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Remembering Dave

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Posts posted by Remembering Dave

  1. Caring friend, Statistics don't mean a thing to us that are fighting-at least they don't to me. I am 38-- oops 39 years old now (38 when diagnosed with SCLC) Statistics do no good. There are no statistics for a 38 year old with SCLC. It is truely a devastating thing to be diagnosed as your friend has been but even more devastating to look at the statistics. Remember that statistics take into account every 90 year old that is diagnosed with cancer and that a 38 year old has a lot more fight than a 90 year old!!!!!! Please let your friend know that a 38 year old can survive. It will not be easy but tell your friend to keep the faith and never stop fighting. I will be praying for your friend.

    David C

  2. Billy Jo----Run....do not walk to your crongressmans (persons) office. I have had nothing but problems with SSI, not with my cancer but with the adoption of our daughter. Our congresspersons office was and still is being a great help. If your SSI office gives you any greif go as fast as possible to your congressperson and ask for help.

    David C

  3. Well we survived the Hurricane here in VA. We live approx. 20 miles east of Richmond VA. on the Mattaponi River. We are up on a 50 foot bluff so never had any danger of flooding here at our house. We lost power early in the day Thursday and will probably be without for several more days. Only had one tree fall and nothing hit the house. Before the brunt of the4 storm hit I did go in and get my brain radiation and then saw the Onc. to get the results from my CT Scan which looked good. NED so far. He is scheduling me for a PET Scan in aboiut a month and 1/2. Said he wanted to get this brain radiation out of the way. The steroids I am on have been wacking me out big time so will be glad when I can get off of them next week. I have 4 more brain radiation treatments so hopefully the power will be on by Monday. Well my laptop is about to run out of battery power so better get off. We are fine having a travel ttrailer fillede with water and plenty of food and also have a small generator so we will be fine until the power is back on.

    David C

  4. Sandy,

    I know the feeling of being scared. My husband, Dave, was diagnosed in March with SCLC. I was scared to death. Especially the word "inoperable." That makes it sound hopeless, but the thing is, SCLC isn't usually surgically removed because it is so fast growing, BUT, it responds very well to chemo and radiation. Dave's tumors were confined to one lung and the lung lymph nodes - he had 6 chemo treatments and 6 weeks of radiation to the chest, and so far, the tumors appear to be gone. We see his oncologist this morning to get the results of his 3rd post-treatment CT scan.

    It's complicated process so coming to this board will greatly help you get through it all. If your Dad is a relatively healthy guy he will probably do fine. My Dad is 74 and if he got this I could see him beating it.

    Take care and stay tuned with us,

    God Bless,

    Karen C. - wife of David C.

  5. It seems like every time I am in the waiting room at the oncologist's office (they also have a "chemo room" there) there is also waiting a young woman and her young, toddler daughter, waiting for the young woman's mother to have her chemo. Finally, yesterday, I initiated a conversation with her. Wish I had months ago. Turns out her mother has lung cancer which had mets to the brain before they diagnosed it. She had half a lung removed, surgery for the brain tumor, chemo and radiation on her head - and now it's spread further. This young woman told me she's a single mom (although sounds like the baby's father is actively in the picture) and lives with her mom and is working full time, caring for her mom and her daughter, and going to school. She had an upbeat attitude although has the responsibliities and stress of a much older person. She was exasperated with her Mom because through all of this she is still smoking, and feels her treatment would be more effective if she hadn't (no argument from me on that one). As she was leaving she said she would pray for Dave and I told her I would pray for her family as well. I wish I had gotten her name, but ask those of you who read this, to pay for the 23 year old young mother I talked to. I'm sure God will know who it is.

    Thanks everyone and God Bless,

    Karen C.

  6. Go somewhere else, and go quickly. Even if you don't have cancer, you have lots of health issues that need addressed especially that you are pregnant. And like David said, lots of folks younger than you get lung cancer. You owe your good health to your child.

    Best of luck and God Bless you,

    Karen C.

  7. Karen C. here. All I know is this - when Dave was diagnosed with SCLC in March, the oncologist looked him right in the eye and said "your kind of lung cancer is almost always caused by smoking, and if you smoke again, no matter what we do to help you, you will die." He hadn't smoked in a few weeks because he was already feeling bad, and he hasn't smoked since and I know he won't. He really wants to live.

    Of course, that was said to someone already diagnosed. But I can't imagine quitting increasing your chances. I would think, perhaps, that the folks who quit are more aware and more apt to get tested and therefore more diagnoses are made.

    It just sounds to me like a smoker seeking more reasons not to quit smoking.

    Karen C.

  8. My Doctors said I had probably had my cancer growing for several years before it was diagnosed. I think I could really start to tell something was wrong back in the Fall or maybe late summer of 02. Hope this helps.

    David C

  9. Ok, we ARE among friends here, aren't we? :oops::oops:

    I have to say that Dave SOAKED the mattress. We had to buy a new one. The good part of that is that we've had our old set since getting married 10 years ago and it wasn't the best quality to begin with, so we were due and wouldn't have spent the money right now unless we had to. The bad news it that we had to spend the money right now ($1,200). Oh well.

    I'm not too concerned about it, I think it was the steriods - they whack Dave out in many ways, more than alot of folks - he always gets a little "psycho" on them and to me that plays into what Fay was describing in her post. But I am going to encourage him to get a prostrate exam - thanks for suggesting that Sam - and when we see his oncologst next week I'm going to bring it up if he doesn't.

    Wish us a good night's sleep tonight on our brand new, very comfy bed (protected this time by a waterproof mattress pad!)

    Best to all,

    Karen C.

  10. Sam,

    God Bless you, our Brother, you are indeed having a difficult time. Dave and I will say a special prayer for you, and I hope that one day you can return to your practice, I have a feeling that you are a compassionate physician and we need as many of those as we can get in this world.

    Karen C.

    as always, thanks for your advice and support to Dave.

  11. OK, OK, I figure what the heck, we are ll among freinds here.......right? This is a little embarasing but I feel like I need depends underwear!!! Has anybody who has recvd PCI and been put on Decadron ( steroid ) had any incontinance problems. Seems like I am having a hard time controling myself when I sleep. I sure will be glad when this next week and 1/2 are over with. This PCI seems to be doing some wacky things to me although it is probably the steroids. Guess I just need to wrap myself in plastic while I sleep, ha,ha.

    David C

  12. Snowflake, remember your own post--Courage is being scared to death - and saddling up anyway. ~John Wayne!!!!!!!! Saddle on up and get to that doctor, I have a feeling this is normal for all us survivors, or at least should be. I hope I become one of those hypachondriacs which will enable the docs to catch WHATEVER MAY BE WRONG in time to KILL, KILL, KILL, KILL whatever bad things there may be.

    Hang in there!

    David C

  13. Dave, hang in there bud. Sounds like a few of us are waiting on our scans and/or results!!! I will be getting my results next week. Lets all meet in the GOOD NEWS FORUM NEXT !!!!!!!!

    PS Good luck with your dad.

    David C

  14. I am going in today, this morning, for my Chest CT scan to see how my treatment is progressing. I have had mixed reviews with the mass in my lung with my previous tests- first shrinking and then growing which they thought was pneumonia. I have finished my Chemo and am now recvng PCI which is a little strain but OK-only 7 more days of that to go. I find out the results from the Chest CT on Wed. or Thursday, not exctly sure at this moment. I had a chest xray done yesterday in which the Pulmonologist did not seem too concerned about the results but still If the Chest CT from this morning is abnormal then we will be doing a PET Scan. Please keep me and my family in your prayers, remember God cannot answer any prayers he does not hear!!! You are all in my prayers.

    David C

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