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Posts posted by ursol

  1. I actually asked my radiation oncologist about reading that many surgeons will not operate after radiation due to scar tissue and I was concerned. My radiation oncologist told me not to worry because he spoke with my surgeon and my surgeon said he had done tons of surgeries on patients lungs after radiation with no problems and did not foresee any issues.

    Besides the horrible pain in recovering my surgery has gone without complication.


  2. Dawn,

    I'm sorry you are going through this and are in need of this internet site, but I wanted to welcome you. As others have said so well, Cancer is not a death sentence and people are surviving. Stay strong for your mother and don't feel guilty about enjoying your life.

    I have a 13 year old daughter and having her continue life as usual is very Therapeutic for me, it gives me stuff to think about besides my cancer. Your mom will want you to continue your life as usual.


  3. Sarah,

    I'm sorry to hear about the situation with your mother. It sounds as though she wants to fight, that is a good sign. If you need any help or have questions about Yale let me know as that is where I am treated and the Thoracic Oncology program is excellent and the nurses and doctors are wonderful.

    Your mother is in my prayers.


  4. Cindy,

    sometimes I'm not sure if the powers that make a difference in the world actually want to find a cure for cancer. But I do believe that if the amount of money that goes into every shuttle launch were redirected towards cancer, we would at least have a drug to keep us alive for many many many many years. Unfortunately, most folks want to continue with space and looking for little green men. I personally don't consider it a priority


  5. Hi all,

    Wanted to know if others had this pain after Thoracotomy. My right breast has been very numb and sore since surgery and causes alot of pain when I'm moving around. I'm wondering if this was caused by cut nerves, my incision was under my right arm.

    My father in law's incision for his robotic heart bypass was under his left arm and he had the same pain in his left breast.

    Others experience this and does it go away?


  6. I'm just recovering from a Thoracotomy done on Oct. 2nd. It was a traditional thoracotomy, muscle sparring where the surgeon does not actually cut the muscles, only pushes them aside. I had the lower right lung lobe removed and numerous lymph nodes from my mediastinum. Anyhow, surgery started at 4:00 PM so I did not get in my recovery room until late so I was still out of it that night but by the next day I was up and walking. I had a pain buster attached to me that worked like an epidural I believe. It kept my entire right side numb.

    I also received an injection for pain (non-narcotic)that also gave a numbing effect and Percocet every four hours. The doctors tried sending me home on Thursday (four days after). I stayed until Friday. Went home and then was back in ER the following Tuesday with a couple more days stay due to a fever and coughing. So I stayed a total of 7 days in the hospital.

    As the others stated, walking is important. I have been able to sleep in my bed since I got home, but have needed my husband to help me to sit up from a lying down position. I have continued taking and still am taking Percocet for pain.

    The incision itself does not cause me pain, the pain is coming from inside my chest. I have also been chronically coughing for a week and probably would no longer feel much pain if I were not coughing. The coughing is causing alot of internal strain. Today I was giving some meds to stop my post nasal drip...we now think it is allergies.

    I cannot pick anything heavy up but I can pretty much take care of myself. The first few days at home, my husband stayed home from work to help me out.

    anyhow, hopefully you will not need a full Thoracotomy. Good luck to you!! Wishing you the best.

  7. My surgery to remove two lobes of my right lung was Monday, October 2nd. I was supposed to have the surgery at 8:50 AM. The surgeon started at 4:00 PM due to complications with the patient before me. Therefore, nervous, starving and dehydrated, I finally was wheeled into the OR.

    Good news the surgeon only removed one lobe and many lymph nodes. By Friday, pathology report came back that there was no cancer, radiation and chemo had done the job. Doctors were very please. I went home. By this Tuesday, October 10th, I couldn't stop coughing and developed a fever. Went to the ER and they diagnosed a small NeumaThorax. I was put on oxygen and remained in the hospital until yesterday the 12th. I had a CT scan and my doctor thinks I have a slight infection so I'm on Antibiotics but I'm back home. I'm taking two percocets approximately every 4 to 5 hours for pain. I would love to hear from other how long they needed their pain meds..The pain gets intense if I slow down but I'm hoping I can wean myself off of them soon.

    Anyhow, I'm sorry that I cannot actively be online too much right now to support others as it is just too exhausting.


  8. Kasey, I am still debating whether I walk or not. I really want to but want to wait to see how surgery goes Monday. I think I should be okay to walk because that would be about 5 weeks to recover?? If I join and register it will be in Boston as I'm not too far from there.

    anyhow, don't tip your hair dresser, that wasn't right not donating to your cause.


  9. Kasey,

    Congratulations on your two years, also I'm hoping for excellent scans for you next week.

    I have been fortunate, I truly only have 8 real girl friends and five of them have had cancer effect their lives and truly do understand what I'm going through. What is ironic is that until my cancer, I was living in a complete bubble. When we were all still very young, my girlfriend Nancy's husband was diagnosed with Leukemia and now that I look back, I was no help to her at all and she went through so much pain and really needed her friends to be there and we were barely there because we didn't understand. I am ashamed of myself for that because now I know.

    That leads me to say, your friends don't mean it, they just don't understand. Sorry for rambling. The one thing I do wish is that people treated me like a normal person. My girlfriends won't let me pay for anything anymore...I said to my husband yesterday that they all think I'm going to die so they won't let me pay. I hate that!

    (((((Kasey)))) Congrats again and many many more years to come.

  10. Randy,

    thank you for bringing up your thoughts about so much loss recently. As someone who is new to the site and to this disease, it has been scary to come to the board lately. I was absolutely shocked when I saw Don's post about Lucy's passing and then to read Eric's post about Antoinette. I'm just soo sad about all of this.


  11. Just got back from Yale-New Haven Hospital. After I met with my surgeon, they sent me for the Ab MRI and my radiation oncologist just called me to tell me that it is all clear. What they saw was a hygioma (I can't spell it but it's no big deal in any case).

    The Pet Scan results: The lymph nodes in my mediastinum appear to be NED. nodule in right lung although much reduced still appears to have some activity. The doctors are very pleased and I am now an absolute go for Surgery scheduled for October 2nd.

    I'm excited and scared at the same time. I feel like I have a shot at NED. Next step is to meet with Anastesiology on Tuesday and get organized at work so I can pass the torch to my management team before next Tuesday. Also get the kids ready for Halloween, and get my husband organized. Yuckkkkkk, so much to do.

    Thank you everyone for your support and kind words as always, I couldn't get through any of this without you.


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