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Posts posted by ursol

  1. Hi all,

    I got my short hairs cut and cleaned up today, they were all different lengths. The last few treatments of chemo did not knock out my hair and I'm in a rest period for now. Not sure what treatment will be next so I'm trying to muster up the courage to take off my wig for work. I think I look okay with my very short boyish haircut that my hairdresser cleaned up for me today. I sooooo hate the wig and don't feel like myself but I'm afraid to shock the office folks. I just need to get the courage to walk through the door. Why do we make such a big deal about our hair...Men don't worry about stuff like this. Argghhhhhh


  2. I'm sorry I have not been around. I just spent 6 days in the hospital with Atrial Fibrillation. I had gone there for a CT scan and when the technician stuck a needle in my wrist for the IV I had a panic attack then an asthma attack and my heart rate went over 230. Anyhow 6 days later I feel good but will be on heart meds from now on.

    My cancer luckily is still only in the adrenal gland. grew slightly but not much to alarm my oncologist. I'm calling Cyberknife next to see if they are willing to go after it. I'm soo glad to be home and so grateful I have not yet lost my job. Thank you lord!!


  3. Patti,

    I guess I have been pretty lucky so far as the only one insensitive person in my life has been the same way from day one to the present so I just decided not to spend any time with that person and only have to see that person when it is a family requirement. I've basically cut her off.

    Everyone else in my life, friends, co-workers and family continue to offer to help although as in the beginning I take limited help as it is good for me to stay independent. My best helper besides my mom is my Aunt who comes over several mornings a week and helps me round my kids out of the house and off to school or grandma's. I don't know what I would do without her and she never seems tired of helping so I try to buy her nice gifts when I can to show how much I appreciate what she is doing. (she also makes my beds and straightens up while she's over).

    One thing I have done is insure I am always clear with people. I have no problem telling people, "I'm sorry but my counts could be low so I prefer you don't come over with your sick children". I don't wallow in self pity but I do not let people forget that I have advanced lung cancer and am in treatment now and probably forever and if they want to hang out with me then they should get used to it.



  4. There are very few people that did not know that I smoked therefore I rarely get asked as I started smoking at 13 and stopped at 40. I always had a cigarette in my hand even in most pictures of me. The nice thing is that I blame myself more than anyone else does. My family and friends always shut me up when I start with the "I wish I had listned to you about the smoking" dialogue.

    One thing that amazed me was that most people who cared about me that were smokers when I was diagnosed, quit smoking. The few that have not stopped, hide it very well. I felt like they all were trying to keep the smoke away from my lungs. Although I truly believe I may have had this disease without the cigarettes I think the tobacco companies should be shut down and stopped.


  5. I just wanted to make sure I didn't forget and wanted to take this opportunity to thank the caregivers on this site. Hopefully, I can thank you all again next year.

    Especially those of you who have loved ones that have since passed, your compassion for the rest of us is amazing. Knowing that you will hopefully still be hear to comfort others after I'm gone is comforting to me. Thank you again for all that you do for your loved ones and the rest of us that were once strangers. It is soo appreciated.


  6. I saw my oncologist yesterday who told me that the fluid around my heart has been there since last year and he believes it is due to the radiation. He doesn't feel I should be worried but they will do another echocardiogram this week just to be safe.

    I feel much better after talking to him as I started doing research on Pericardial Effusion and the instances of it being cancerous and it truly had scared the crap out of me. Anyhow, I hope my oncologist is right. Yesterday was my second Alimta treatment and my taste buds are sooo messed up today...Yuck. My son turned 8 years old today.


  7. Deb,

    I'm sorry to hear about your loss. Tony went through so much since his diagnosis. What a warrior he was. You and your family are in my thoughts. God Bless.


  8. I was diagnosed today with Pericardial Effusion yet I have not yet spoken with my oncologist so I'm learning about this from the internet. I have been short of breath and was sent for a CT Scan Wednesday and then they saw some fluid around my heart so I was sent for an Echocardiogram today. They said I need to go for another Echocardiogram next week to track if the fluid gets worse.

    I am trying not to panic but it is difficult to deal with something else. I can only hope that the fluid around the heart is not cancerous. Anyone that has had experience with this and can give me some hope and insight I would appreciate it.


  9. From July '06-September '06 I had low dose chemo weekly (paclitaxol and Carboplatin). I cut my hair short and none of it fell out. In November '06 I had one large dose of Paclitaxol and Carboplatin and all my hair fell out in clumps. It took two weeks and I had none left but my brows and lashes stayed. My hair started growing back during Gemzar treatments. Then in the spring with Abraxane my hair fell again, especially my brows and eyebrows. All began to grow back with Tarceva and now with Alimta it is still growing. But I have been truly without any significant hair since November '06 and don't expect to see much of it any time soon. You get used to it. I wear a wig for work otherwise everyone sees me in those biker bandana's with the tie in the back.

    Here is hoping your hair doesn't all fall out.


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