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Everything posted by debbie412

  1. My mom has a scan every 3 months. She had Cis-Platin and never had any problem, in fact her appetite was better than ever. I have 3 small children, twin 2 yr. olds and a 7 month old, and after her treatments we always went shopping or out to eat. If she could handle that then you know she felt pretty damn good! Another good tip is she has been taking Coral Calcium. This is a supplement that is all natural and known for giving energy, bringing oxygen to cells to kill cancer cells, and for slowing down cancer cell growth. You can look it up online. My mom swears by it. She did not even lose her hair!! Cancer has not changed my mom physically only mentally.
  2. debbie412


    If you dont mind listening, i would like to tell you my moms story and see what you think. June of 2002 she was dx with extensive sc mets to adrenal. They only biopsy'd the lung and said they made an EDUCATED ASSUMPTION that adrenal was a mets from the lung. This was at a hospital in nj. We took all her records to Sloan Ketering in NY and they said they would use the same protocol. Her onc is in nj but trained at Sloan Kettering. She did 6 rounds of chemo(Cis-Plat) and then had a PET. It still showed activity in the lung and a little activity on the chest(thoracic area), but nothing on the adrenal. Right away the dr called and said we are going to clear this up with radiation. She had 6 weeks of radiation. The dr said wait 2 weeks and go for a CAT. My mom argued and said she wanted a PET, he said fine but he usually doesnt like to do this because sometimes they find activity in different places and doesnt know what to do with that info. She went for 2nd PET and they saw minimal activity on the lung but mass was the same size Pre-radiation.(4.2cm) and increase activity on the chest, but no mass. He suggested taking 2 months off and then another cat. He said she feels too good right now and to give her another chemo would make her feel weak. Personally, I think she was misdiagnosed from the beginning and i had alot of questions for him. Tell me if I am way off please! If she had extensive with mets to adrenal how can chemo alone kill every cancer cell on the adrenal. I asked him if that was possible, and he said chemo alone can shrink it off of an x-ray, but not a pet. Then how could this show no activity. Then he went on to say well she would have the same tx plan anyway. If she was dx w limited sc they would have done chemo and rad. at the same time, no? There is nothing we can do now, but i am just pissed about educated assumptions, because when you are dealing with lives everything should be done exact. They should automatically do biopsy's on every single mass no matter what statistics show. My mom has been off chemo for a total of 5 months and everything is pretty much stabile. According to statistics this should have spread like wildfire already, right? I am so confused. Thank you for listening. i just love my mom so much and wish i could take this all away. It is almost unbelievable. She feels too good!
  3. my moms case is similar. Radiation is really only used for limited small cell. Although, my mom was diagnosed with extensive sclc with mets to adrenal. After all of her chemo she went for a pet scan and the adrenal was not cancerous. There was still a mass, but no activity. Then, she was sent for radiation. For them to do radiation the cancer has to be in one close area. A biopsy was only done on my moms lung, not on the adrenal so they ASSUMED it was cancerous. Therefore they did radiation after chemo. If this was limited small cell they would do chemo and radiation at the same time. The radiation did nothing in my moms case. I hope i helped you understand a little better. Please keep me posted, and i will keep your mom in my prayers.
  4. my mom went for her dr visit after she had her pet (post radiation). He said there is still activity in the right upper lobe, the tumor has not gone away but the activity was minimal. There is also an increase of activity in the chest area. No tumor yet, but to keep a look out for a lump. He gave her the choice of having more chemo right away or take two months off and repeat a ct scan to see if anything is happening. She chose to take time off. What is going to happen??? As much as i would like to just keep her on chemo i know this is her choice and her body. I am 28 with 3 children and i dont know what else i can do for her. Please help.
  5. my mom was diagnosed w/ sclc w/ mets to adrenal in june of 2002. She went through chemo(cisplatin) then went for a PET. the pet showed activity in lung and chest but no activity in the adrenal. Even though she was not a candidate for radiation in the beginning, the dr. sent her for radiation because it was off the adrenal. She recently went for another PET 6 weeks after radiation was complete. The results showed less activity in the lung, but the tumor has not shrunk, and more activity in the chest, but no tumor! The radiologist who read the report said she could have went for the pet too early, because radiation works up to three months after you finish. Does anybody know anything about this? Any reply would be greatly appreciated. Thanx for listening
  6. my mom was dx w/ sclc w/ mets to adrenal in jun of 2002. She did 6 rounds of chemo, then went for a pet and showed significant decrease in lung and a spot on the adrenal that was cancer free. He sent her for radiation. Six weeks after radiation she took another Pet and saw no significant change in the lung and activity in the thoracic region. Was her PET too soon to tell? Did she really ever have cancer in the adrenal? Did she get the right treatment, or should she have had chemo and radiation at the same time? I am so confused. She is to meet with her doctor next week. If anybody can help me it would be greatly appreciated. Thanx for listening.
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