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Posts posted by -Cheryl-

  1. Hello everyone,

    Since my Brain MRI on Friday I have been extremely anxious and unable to even think clearly. Jack demanded that we get out of the house and go to the zoo. So, after some coaxing I conceeded. It was nice to take a time out from my worrying. It is hard to forget about the cancer as the pain in the center of my chest is a constant reminder. I am hoping that treatment will soon remedy that. I hate to take meds to numb my existence just yet. Sometimes, laughter is the best medicine though. Jack and I stopped o eat at an "all you can eat" buffet. Once inside we followed this maze until we got to the food. It looked like cafeteria style because there was a man standing behind the food bar. Jack hands his plate to this guy and proceedes to tell him what he wanted on his plate and "oh no, give me more than that!". The man looked a little put off. We then sat down to eat, and Jack complained about the service. Next thing Jack notices is this very same man who fixed Jack's plate, sat down next to us with his family to eat. Jack then realized that this man apparantly did not work there, but was a customer like us! We laughed all the way home!!!


  2. Hi Ray, we are new to the board, but have been following your situation. We all share with you your frustrations in fighting this dsease. Your will to live and strentgh will see you through this. However, you are only human and when you need to rest let God carry this burden for you. You are in our prayers.

    Cheryl and Jack

  3. Sam,

    I looked up the site that you posted on Dr. K.,and he appears to have a special interest in LC. Your visit with him sounded promising and full of hope. I bet you will be back in practice by Oct.. God Bless you!

    Cheryl and Jack

  4. Annie and Tim,

    So glad that Tim is recovering so rapidly. There is power in prayer! Tim you inspire us all with your determination and strenth! God's speed in recovery!

    Cheryl and Jack

  5. To hear that y'all have been thru and recognize my concerns sure makes me feel better... Thanks for your input as it certainly didn't hurt to know others had experienced this.

    Shelly, hope your July appt. is a good one! Your Mom is blessed to have a daughter as bright and persistent as you. We admire that and that's how we have learned you have to be! Becky, reading your post was right in ine w/ everyone else's as was yours Jenny. Thank's so much!

    We are all praying for Cathy and her father. Our thoughts will be with all of you!

    Thanks for being here!


  6. Hello everyone,

    I had a brain MRI late this afternoon. Of course no results yet. Is this the tyoical protocol prior to chemo/rad? I was given some IV solution to improve resolution about midway through the procedure. Of course this freaked me out because I thought they must of found something! Is this normally done? I hate the wait, and forget trying to read your results based on the techncians expressions.


  7. I know you hear of all kinds of stories of cancer cure, but was wondering if anyone had ever heard of the late Dr. Alivitos from Greece. To read reports on the internet of him you would think he was a quack... I know a person here in town that went to Greece and was treated and cured by this Dr. back in '89. Knock offs have sprung up here in the states ad was wondering if anyone had any experience with them or have known anyone that has. Does anyone have any faith in the metabolic diet? The guy I know swears by it?

    Cheryl has her first Oncology appt. today... As you can tell, I am searching avenues that I am sure many of you have already traveled. Just trying to gather as much information as possible. Thanks for your input... -Jack-

  8. Your Tim sounds like a strong person, actually you both sound strong as team. So glad to hear all went well and hopefully you both can get a break and relax now. We will be looking for even better reports as the healing continues! Way to go Tim! -Jack-

  9. BeckyG, It sounds like you have the same docs we have here in Dallas...After our first visit to the Pulmonologist, I made a promise to myself that I would not leave a Doctors office until I got the answers to my questions. Sure, they hate to see me coming, but surprisingly, I have found that even hounding them on the phone has been very productive. You hate to bother them, but you also hate not knowing... I prefer to know, even if it's not what we want to hear. Keep your thoughts positive... you'll never guess what they are really thinking anyway. Cheryl was not supposed to get the results of her mediastinoscopy until tomorrow. By working the phones and showing that I'm not going anywhere real soon, we managed to get the results last Fri. It wasn't what we wanted to hear, but at least we are prepared to take this thing on with everything we have. A little more time to do research and make decisions hasn't hurt a bit either. Remember, these docs are just like us, they put their pants on one leg at a time! Our thoughts are with you both.


  10. Hello all... I am Jack, the husband of Cheryl Ferguson and we are relatively new to the site. I must admit, in a world where we hardly have time for our friends and neighbors, I am quite impressed with the love and caring expressed from people on the board. Cheryl has been diagnosed with 3ab adenocarcinoma and we have a tough road ahead. Though we have a challenge, I can't help but think how being involved with you folks will be a bg plus.

    People like DaveG... what a warrior you are! I'd have you on my team anyday. We are all stronger by reading your words of wisdom...no fancy packages, just the facts. You are admired by all. Keep up the fight, we are behind you all the way. Please feel free to contact us anytime?

    Our thoughts and prayers go out to some of the caregivers and their loved ones as well. Carleen... you sound like me when you say "get mad at this disease," I have been saying it over and over again to Cheryl in hopes that she will be determined to do so. Our thoughts are with you and your husband during these trying times and thank you for our comments, they are very inspiring! LindaMRG has had some kind words as her dad is facing that in which all of us have in common. Thanks so much Linda, we are thinking of you daily. AnnieMac and her husband are facing surgery today... Praying for a successful outcome and please keep us posted. Don Wood and his wife of 44 years. Wow, congrats! We know your love for each other will carry you thru this. You are one of Cheryl's favorites... we have been married for 20 years and would truly love to equal your numbers! You are in our thoughts and prayers.

    We see that nothing is slowing down Tiny... thanks for your caring thoughts and yes, you are an inspiration too. It seems as if yo are living your life regardless of what you encounter. My hat's off to you and thanks for your show of support.

    Thanks to Terrie, both good advice and experience is what you bring. You seem to be doing very well since your surgery in January... keep up the good work!

    Both you and DavidA seem to be fighters and willing to take on the challenge. Shelliemacs also fills in with some positive advice and we are keeping our thoughts with you as well. Keep up the good attitude!

    I agree with BeckyG... If you are not happy with your doc...kick him to the curb. A lot of tmes they seem to be a deterent in ones recovery. If negetivity is all you seem to get out of him/her, send him packing!

    Finally, ConnieB. I am sure you have heard it a hundred times but one more time shouldn't hurt. You are the inspiration for most of us! These past eight years have had to change your life. One could only hope for your passion to live and the determination it takes to succeed. I am not only impressed with the ConnieB as a survivor, but also the ConnieB as a person. You and Cheryl were both dianosed at the age of 43 with similar problems. You are proof that this can be beat. Our continued prayers stay with you and yours.

    Cheryl and I just purchased our dream home.. with our horses and dogs we were really starting to settle in and enjoy life. We still want to live 'till we get old and grumpy! Having all of you on the team gives us hope! Thank you all so much! We love you all!

    (Jack-N-Cheryl)- Dallas area

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