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Posts posted by dadstimeon

  1. Hi Debbie, (love your web site)

    I’ve found taking one day at a time works best for me. I do not worry about what happened in the (cannot change it) passed. I do not worry about the (not here yet) future. I walk an hour a day whenever I can where there is a lot of green. I find that comforting and occasionally I do see butterflies. I spend time with family and friends also. The days I cannot do anything I rest, rather then push and get frustrated. Also please stop smoking. I saw a picture of you on your web site and you have a smile that lites up the world. There is someone out there for you and you are a whole, very talented person. Did you try a support group? I go to The Wellness (www.thewellnesscomunity.org) Community. They have them in your state. Hope this helps you. Take care and God Bless.


    PS: Frogot to sign-in on the first post.

  2. Hi Debbie, (love your web site)

    I’ve found taking one day at a time works best for me. I do not worry about what happened in the (cannot change it) passed. I do not worry about the (not here yet) future. I walk an hour a day whenever I can where there is a lot of green. I find that comforting and occasionally I do see butterflies. I spend time with family and friends also. The days I cannot do anything I rest, rather then push and get frustrated. Did you try a support group? I go to The Wellness (www.thewellnesscomunity.org) Community. They have them in your state. Hope this helps you. Take care and God Bless.


  3. Hi Heather,

    I have stage IV NSCLC and have 3 cats also. On chemo since last DEC02. Did not have any problems. Might want to double check with your father's doctor or nurse to be on the safe side. Good luck to your father and God bless.


  4. Hi - First Time On - I Have Non-Small Cell Incurable/Inoperable Stage IV (Bronchioalveolar Adenocarcinoma) Lung Cancer - Matastasis To Adrenal Glands - Non Smoker – 50 Years Old - Diagnosed in May, 2002 - Started Gemzar and Carboplatin (9 Rounds) in Dec, 2002 - Started Taxol (15 Rounds) In June, 2003 - Some Tumors Get Bigger, Some Tumors Get Smaller, None Have Gone Away - Told This Is Not Survivable - 2 To 3 Years Life Expectancy - Very Fatigued And Tired All The Time. Anyone Out There With This Type Of Cancer Or Knows Someone I Would Be Most Grateful To Hear From – I Live In The Greater Boston Area - Thanks Rich

  5. Hi - First Time On - I Have Non-Small Cell Incurable/Inoperable Stage IV (Bronchioalveolar Adenocarcinoma) Lung Cancer - Matastasis To Adrenal Glands - Non Smoker – 50 Years Old - Diagnosed in May, 2002 - Started Gemzar and Carboplatin (9 Rounds) in Dec, 2002 - Started Taxol (15 Rounds) In June, 2003 - Some Tumors Get Bigger, Some Tumors Get Smaller, None Have Gone Away - Told This Is Not Survivable - 2 To 3 Years Life Expectancy - Very Fatigued And Tired All The Time. Anyone Out There With This Type Of Cancer Or Knows Someone I Would Be Most Grateful To Hear From – I Live In The Greater Boston Area - Thanks Rich

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