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Patti B

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Posts posted by Patti B

  1. Hi Richard-

    I know how you feel, right now is a pretty scary time for you. You will find much hope and knowledge here on this forum.

    I receive my chemo at the Cleveland Clinic, also. Which doctor do you have?? My doctor is Dr. Mekhail and I like him a lot. I used to have another doc but he moved to Texas. At the time when I was first dx'd, I asked about having my chemo done at the Strongsville Cleveland Clinic satellite which is much closer to my home but I was told that at the satellite clinics they do not have access to any experimental drugs if the time came when that would be appropriate for me. So I stayed at the Taussig Center. Thats something to think about if you think about changing locations.

    My prayers are with you and please keep us updated on your progress. If you have any questions related to the Clinic, please feel free to ask me. When is your next chemo app't??

    Hugs and blessings - Patti B.

  2. I have a TRUE cuckoo clock story.

    When my husband and I got married, we really did not want some big church formal wedding as we were a "little" older and had lived together for such a long time. We just wanted a small, intimate wedding with family and close friends My brother in law offered that we could get married in his home (which is HUGE) in front of the fireplace!!

    All the guests are seated and we are saying our vows. In the meantime, my sister in law had covered ALL the bases (or so she thought). The dog was tied up in the backyard, the phones were disconnected - everything was perfect!! As the minister finished saying "is there anyone here who feels that these two people should not be married - you got it - the cuckoo clock started going CUCKOO, CUCKOO!! Well, one person started giggling and then the whole room burst out in laughter. It was great!!


    Hugs Patti B

  3. Welcome Kelli

    So sorry to hear about your mom and what she is going through. I agree to keep trying to find an anti-depressant that works for her. I was on Lexapro and just couldn't take it - felt like my heart was going to beat right out of my chest at night.

    Has your mom checked into any support groups near her home?? That might also help her to get out and be with people who know what she is going through.

    You and your mom will be in my prayers - please keep us updated on how she is doing.

    Hugs - Patti B.

  4. If I have said it once, I have said it a thousand times - we HAVE to be our own best advocates.

    Got so upset once in the waiting room for chemo after a PA gave me misinformation while my doc was out of town - I got LOUD and warned everyone - get paper copies of your MRI and CAT scan results and READ them - you pay for them, they are yours!! Think the employees wanted to stuff a sock in my mouth but, oh well, too bad!!

    And why wouldn't you want to be "in charge" - its YOUR body, isn't it??

    Good luck and keep us posted on how you are doing.

    Hugs Patti B

  5. Pearl-

    So sorry for what you have been going through. You certainly have a lot on your plate right now.

    I do agree, however, with your doctor - one baby step at a time. Maybe going slowly will alleviate whatever fears he has regarding finding out what is wrong.

    Please keep us updated and I will keep you and your husband in my prayers.

    Patti B.

  6. Nick-

    I am SOOO sorry you have to put up with so many STUPID people!! Is there maybe one un-stupid person that you could have to be a moderator and ask them to please stop asking those stupid questions?? Right now, it is all about you and your family and I truly would not worry if those stupid people got their feelings hurt - look how they are making you feel.

    Of course, noone ever voted me into the nice category SO I would probably post a HUGE sign on my door that says STUPID PEOPLE AND YOUR STUPID COMMENTS ARE TO LEFT AT THE DOOR!!! Or maybe a cattle prod to zap them after each stupid remark would help!!

    Seriously, I do feel so sorry for you, not only for the loss of your mother but for all this you have to endure afterward. If there is anything anyone of us can do, please let us know!!

    My prayers are with you!

    Patti B

  7. Christine -

    I am also Stage 4 and I simply REFUSE to listen to statistics. According to them, I should not be here now and I am doing everything I did before I got sick, albeit a little slower. Statistics are crap. One doc even told me they are based on patients in their 70s and 80s so the verdict is out as to how well they would have done if they had been younger! DO NOT LISTEN TO STATISTICS Your desire to fight and kick this disease in the butt will help you SOOO much. I told my onc. that I WILL see my son graduate from high school and I will be damned if I don't. ATTITUDE IS EVERYTHING!! I no longer even ask the question about timelines anymore - I will set my own!!

    As far as Tarceva - I am on Alimta right now with Tarceva being probably my next line of treatment. All I know about it is that it is a pill and rash and diarrhea are the side effects but the rash usually is a good thing - means it is working. Check around on some of the older posts on this forum - there have been many posting on this subject.

    Sending you hugs and prayers - keep us posted as to how you are doing!

    Patti B.

  8. Nick -

    Sending thoughts and prayers across the ocean to you.

    Please keep us posted on how you are doing. There are so many wonderful, caring people on this forum that are willing to help or just listen to you.

    By the way, I agree - Dr. West from www.onctalk.com is a godsend!! You will recognize some of us on those postings! You really should check him out.


    Patti B

  9. Welcome Jackie-

    Gald you found this site. Everyone here is so caring and you will read of such hope and inspiration. Keep up the good work and let us know how you are doing.

    Love the pic of you and baby!! How sweet!

    Hugs - Patti B

  10. Cheryl-

    I am soooo sorry. I am not a caregiver, but a survivor so I have not experienced the feelings you have but when I read your post I wanted to cry. I hope that the necklace is sitting in the pipes waiting to be rescued!!

    If not, I would like to express to you that you need to remember that you will have your mom, and a lifetime of memories with your mom IN YOUR HEART ALWAYS!!

    Keep us posted and hugs to you

    Patti B.

  11. With Thanksgiving just a couple of days away I thought I would get the conversation going.

    Sometimes we forget all the things we have to be thankful for when this awful beast is hanging over us 24/7. But then I got to thinking.......

    Just made another birthday - last year thought it was my last.

    Am here for another Thanksgiving - last year didn't know if I would or not.

    Unless there is some cruel trick waiting for me I will see another Christmas and New Year - remember crying last year that it was my last.

    AND I have found this website and all of you who have given me so much hope, caring, courage and support.

    I hope you all have a WONDERFUL Thanksgiving!! Eat lots of turkey and enjoy the day!!

    God Bless You All-

    Patti B.

  12. Lorie-

    Welcome!! Sorry you have to be here but this is truly the best place for lots of support, hope and caring. I only wish I had found this site when I was first diagnosed.

    I am not familiar with your particular type of cancer but would like you to know that everyone here is willing to give you any support you may need.

    Keep us posted on your progress.

    God Bless!

    Patti B.

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