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Posts posted by Beachmama

  1. I have a question for all you experienced people out there.

    Since my mom is feeling so good, we are afraid that her doctor will change the meds again, or up the dose, or do something to "push" her a little harder. My mom is actually afraid to tell the doctor how good she really feels for fear of her changing something. (the doc will be able to see that mom is doing good)

    In your experience do doctors do that??? If they think you can take more, or if they think you are fairing too well?? Is this a ridiculous question????

    See sees her tomorrow. Any advice?? (her next chemo is probably not till Jan 5th, or so, it might be too soon)

    Thax! Connie

  2. Just wanted to let you know that mom is undergoing round three (last day today) and she is doing really well. She has a terrible sick stomach. (anyone have any ideas for that? Meds or otherwise?) but, that is really all for now..

    The doc changed her from cystplatin to carboplatin (sorry for spelling), but thank GOD for that. If she isn't so sick, maybe we can get all these treatments done instead of her giving up. The carboplatin was recommended to me by someone here earlier, in my old post, and I am so glad the doc changed it. Mom got two rounds of the former drug, which is supposedly very strong, but highly effective for sclc and women in general. BUt this new one is only once a month (not twice like the former) and is a little "gentler". Also, mom gets a second med (begins with an E) that she gets three days in a row each month.

    I will try to keep everyone up to date. I know it's helpful to read some good news about this disease for a change.

    BTW, I am getting some spam in my personal message box from Sophiahiggins645 with 822 in the subject line. It's the second time I've gotten a message with this title. And it's some kind of "cancer cure protocol". (I am all for natural remedies, but not spam) Has anyone else gotten this? Can I report it? I messaged her back, but no reply. How annoying.

    Take care all!


  3. I have some amazong news. My mom had a CT scan last week and the doctors are in shock. Her tumor is gone! No sign of cancer anywhere.

    She has had 7 weeks of radiation, (last day was Friday, YAY!!) and only 2 rounds of chemo.

    They still want to do the preventative radiation on the brain and 4 more rounds of chemo. But they are supposed to lower the dose a little (due to some scalp burning last round) and hopefully we will be good.

    Some of you may remember me, I posted once before about how I wanted mom to 'say no to chemo', (because of alternative treatments). But I wanted to let you all know that she is doing great. Just great! We are all so happy! BTW, how do I find my old post. I don't see it anywhere and it's not that old!!???

    A little background on mom--

    -66yo smoker

    -Diagnosed with sclc in August2007 (nasty cough and back and belly pain)

    -Biopsies reveal Sclc sept, three inch mass on Left lung wrapped around pulm artery and bronchial tube. No surgery.

    -Oct. Start Alternative treatment first (snake venom, believed to reduce cancerous tumors).

    -Start Radiation and first chemo

    Mom does well, Low wbc and fatigue Hair loss.

    -CT scan showed a 50% reduction of tumor size! Amazing!

    -Nov round two chemo. mom is sick. Can't move for three days. ANother 4 days to recover. Burnt scalp and throat. Loses some weight. But has a great month in spite of it.

    -Nov - CT scan shows tumor is gone. Doctors want to do another in one month.

    -next round chemo scheduled for Weds.

    That's the story for now. We bought her a new wig to celebrate.!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I just wanted to share!


  4. Is anyone trying anything alternative or0 holistic out there? Shark Cartlidge or snake venom?? Anything like that?

    My mom saw the onc today and she said she is doing very well. wbc count up to 45! Next round starts Nov 6th. Wants mom to do a total of 8 rounds and after this radiation, wants to do radiation to the brain, for preventive measures. She said that my mom has a real chance of 'curing' this. She is comparing my mom to a man she successfully cured 12 years ago who presented with the same exact conditions.

    FYI, mom's tumor is (was) 3 inches long. Wrapped around her pulm artery and bronchial tube. Collapsed half the lung. In just two weeks the tumor is no longer on the bronc tube and her lung is back 100%function. Pretty fascinating stuff.

  5. Gosh Nova, your husband is so good looking! Looks familiar like someone on TV. WOW what a journey he has had. Compared to what he's been through, my mom hasn't had any problems. I really hope he is feeling better these days. What a fighter. I hope you still find some time to take care of yourself and all those cute little grandsons of yours!!! I just love my little boy, who is almost 4. He's the apple of my eye! Boys are so different (sweeter), than girls. My daughter is just a riot! She's almost 2. I was secretly hoping for a boy. We'll see. You just never know.

    My mom is feeling 100% better. And I suppose I am too. We are all getting together tonight for some trick or treating. Should be fun. Have a fun night! :D:D

  6. Thank you all very much. You are all very brave and very beautiful.

    Mom is feeling much better today. She had her last shot of wbc boosters, and feels happy about that. Goes to see oncologist tommorrow. Next round scheduled to start Nov 8th, 9 & 10.

    I hate hearing that chemo buys you time....it's so grim. On the bright side my mom is taking an immunotherapy from Argentina that we believe is helping her. It was recommended to us by a man who had level 4 pancreaic cancer. He is still alive today with the use of this and radiation. I am praying that she gets more than just some time. We are not ready to lose her yet.

    I had my first ultrasound today. It's a girl. She is a little twister and turner, sucking her hands and even trying to suck her feet. Life is amazing! It was a happy day today for the most part. I am due in April.

    Thank you all for your support. It means so much to me.


  7. Thank you all so much for your replies. I appreciate it so much. I understand what you are all saying. I guess I am just struggling with this. I don't want to lose my mom and I can only help her a little due to the fact that I have two small children plus one on the way. I found out I was pregnant when she found out she had cancer. It is just very hard for me to deal with.

    I am so used to my mom being strong and healthy. In my heart I think she can beat this. But I am so discouraged by the sickness and the high rate of reassurance's. How can anyone stay positive with such an ugly, unruly disease.

    I am mad as Hell. Mad that she smoked, even tho we begged her to quit. Mad that she will probably be taken from us sooner than later. And I am mad that she is too ignorant to know what's happening to her. She is an old school woman, who likes to eat whatever (she is only 5'3'' and weighs 250) and pops pills for any ache or pain. She has NO PROBLEM getting & taking the drugs she needs to combat the pain she feels. She likes her arsenal of pain meds.

    She is very much like a child. I have to explain everything to her three or four times and she still doesn't 'get it'. She just keeps saying, "why is this happening to me? DId smoking really give me cancer?". She does not know she has a choice in this. She will want to do whatever the doctor tells her. She is not really listening to me anyway. Maybe part of me just tells her she can stop treatments because it then gives her a choice. Maybe it's a little encouragement to get her thru it. I don't know.

    She came over last night so I could help her cut her hair. She managed to knot it up so badly into a bun-looking-dreadlock. It was both hilarious and so tragic. I had to cut it out. And she lost thousands of hairs. She was pretty sad. She will be bald soon, I suppose.

    I can certainly ask the doc about the change in chemo meds. I am not totally against another round., I just hate it and I am so scared.

    My sister and I had a big fight about the chemo issue last night. It is all we talk about lately. I guess I have to just let it go. I feel so helpless against against it. And it feels like a battle that no one wins.

    Thnak you all again for your kind words and replies.


  8. My mom was diagnosed with SCLC, limited, in August. She started chemo (cytplatin (sp?) and one that begins with E). Three days in a row, once a month. She had one round of chemo. Also started 6 weeks of radiation. It has only been two and a half weeks and the tumor is already shrunk by 50%.

    She is really feeling the effects of chemo now. Hair is falling out in clumps. WBC down to a 2. Pain in every joint due to daily shots to boost wbc.

    My question and my PROBLEM is HOW IS CHEMO HELPING when all it does is HURT??????????

    This is only the beginning and it's looking pretty grim.

    Why do chemo if it makes someone soooo sick and why do it if sooo many people end up with it spreading anyway????

    I believe in a quality of life. She is doing fine with the radiation. Why do all this chemo.

    Its my understanding that chemo is supposed to kill cancer cells (and every other cell) in order to stop it from spreading to other body parts, right??? But how can your body protect itself against such a nasty thing as cancer cells if it's constantly being poisoned with chemo? Isn't this a critical time, when boosting immunity, instead of killing it, makes the most sense? If the tumor is going away, that should be enough. Why practically kill yourself for 6 rounds to only find out the cancer spread anyway.

    Is anyone questioning chemo? Is anyone trying alternative therapies? Does anyone ever survive cancer without chemo? I know that people still die from cancer even though they are being treated and being made so sick. Why is chemo just accepted and never questioned. Doesn't it seem backward?

    I am trying to convince my family to be on my side, so we can convince my mom not to do anymore chemo treatments. It's a tough sell. If the doctor could promise that the chemo will prevent the cancer from spreading, that would be something, but they cannot. They are taking a chance hoping it works. And I just don't get it. So many people still die. SO many times it spreads. Why put yourself though such torture. She is 66, She is not going to tolerate this well. This alone may kill her. And I don't want her to go like that.

    Anything anyone can add would be so appreciated.


    8-07 diagnosed with sclc, limited. Left lobe collapses.

    10-10-07 First of three in a row chemo. And radiation for 6 weeks.

    10-24-07 Feeling the nasty effects. Hair loss. Low whit blood cells.

    Also had cat scan. Tumor shrunk 50% (3 inch mass down to 1.5)

    Started getting shots to boost wbc. So sick . Bones and joints hurt.

    That's it so far. 2 pack a day smoker for 50 years.

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