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Posts posted by LovesLife

  1. Hi Cori:

    I understand all too well the rising panic of the unknown - it is terrifying. My experience also started with a chest x-ray. I took someone with me to every appointment and I also had my sister/husband/someone take notes as I missed so many things that were said because I would get stuck on something the doctor said. I did purchase a tape recorder but wouldn't you know it the darn thing didn't work when I went for my appointment. I live in Drayton Valley, Alberta and you can PM me. What time is your CT scan tomorrow?

    Please, let me know how I can help and let us know how things proceed. I know you are scared - just try to stay positive okay. I didn't think I'd be 18 months out from diagnosis and feeling great - hold on to all the positives and ignore the negatives.


  2. Grateful that the snow is letting up and that the snow has been shovelled for you Jackie.

    Grateful that my husband is totally fine after an accident yesterday - even though the truck isn't (it's metal/he's not).

    Grateful for the days I get to spend with my kids over this vacation - absolutely LOVE having them home and hanging out with them. Grateful we don't have to run to all the activities and can just unwind and do actually "nothing" if we feel like it.

    Grateful for everyone here.


  3. Hi, I had a left lower lobectomy by VATS in June of 2006. I did not have to have oxygen at all after the surgery. They took out my chest tubes after about 14 hours and believe me, what a relief that was.

    This was the only surgery I have ever had, but I think that my mindset had a lot to do with how I recovered. I kept telling myself how fortunate I was to be able to have the surgery in the first place and that really helped with everything. The pain was there - but certainly nothing intolerable. My surgeon mentioned that VATS was much easier on the body so I was lucky that I was able to have that type of surgery as well ... less invasive.

    On day 2 or 3 (they discharged me from the hospital about 32 hours after my surgery) I went out and walked about 1/2 mile and increased it by a little bit each day. I didn't use the pain medication for very long; however, I did have my mom come and stay for a week to help with meals, driving, etc. for my family. I made up meals ahead of time and froze them; however, friends also brought meals which was unexpected, but very welcome. At present I have a little trouble when it is extremely cold, but I don't think my lungs ever liked it when it is extremely cold out. You've gotten great advice on best ways to manage sleeping so I won't go there.

    Please, keep us posted.


  4. Thank you all so much for the welcome. I can't tell you how much you have all helped me through the past 18 months - each in your own way by sharing your stories, fears and hope.

    I wish NED for everyone on this forum and everyone affected by this horrible disease.

    To those of you who struggled over the holiday's with the loss of a loved one I send many hugs. I hope 2008 will be a wonderful year for each and everyone of you.

    As I said before, my experience is limited; however, whenever there is a need that I can fill I will be happy to help.

    Blessings to you all.

    Warmly, Linda

  5. Max and Inez: I am new here; however, after lurking for some time I must say I think you are very brave and you have such a positive outlook on life. I am so very sorry that you are unable to accompany your wife back to Toronto; however, she knows you would be with her if possible. She would just worry about you (we women tend to be worriers). Please know that I am so very sorry for your loss.


  6. Hi Randy, thanks for the warm welcome. You are, without a doubt, also one of my favorites-can't mention everyone that strikes a chord with me though - there are just too many! I feel as though I know you and that you are really one very special guy...your heart is so huge - I can tell by all of your posts. Thanks for the warm blankets - they come in mighty handy in Canada, believe me!

  7. I am 18 months from a left lower lobectomy for Stage 1A BAC. I feel as though I know many of you and have cried, laughed, and been awestruck by the courage and determination of each and every person on this board.

    I don't know how much I will have to offer in terms of advice or knowledge as luckily my journey with this has been very minimal in comparison to so many on this board.

    I did; however, want to tell you all that I think you are absolutely wonderful people and that Katie and Rick are very special people for keeping this forum going (and Dave Grant for starting it as well). I am happy that Connie is doing better - I have prayed for her and her husband often. I feel a kindred spirit with Jackie as she reminds me (in words anyhow) of my grandmother - wise and wonderful. I am very happy to "meet" all of you. I'm just sorry it took me so long to introduce myself.


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