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Posts posted by shellit74

  1. Hey everyone! Its been a LONG time since i posted here... Life has just been keeping me busy and plus alot of you are on FB and i try to keep up there. Judy, i will take your 67 over my 34 anyday! I am sooo sick of winter. One would think that after living in WI y whole life, that I would be used to it by now. :) My husband and the kids were gone for the weekend visiting his parents, I stayed back to work and go to our annual "POLAR PLUNGE" the polar plunge in a huge fundraiser for the special Olympics. Different businesses and people in the city and surrounding area get teams together and raise money and then jump in to the lake. CRAZY! i have not jumped in, but totally support it! its fun to see some of the crazy costumes people come up with. Well I need to get some cleaning done!


  2. Although I haven't checked in here alot lately.. I was saddened to read Katie's Facebook post about Sandra's passing. I remember her as a great inspriation to all. My thoughts are with her family...

  3. Hello All,

    Cold and windy today.. yuck.. but nicer weather predicted for the weekend.. which is fine with me.. I am having my birthday party on Saturday, so that opens up the door for more options on what to wear! By the time my b-day rolls around I am sooo sick of winter!

    Well I am off to my 8th funeral today. My aunt passed away on Sunday.. she was only 57. She had MS. I sound like a broken record.. off to another funeral, oh hey, guess what.. I have another funeral to go too... BLAH!!!! I have been expecting (waiting?) for this to happen though, so I knew that it wasn't "over" the last time I had a funeral.

    Well I best be getting ready... I need to pick up all the stinking toys in the living room before the sitter gets here!

    Hope to be at chat, but we will see!


  4. 1. I have watched 2 of the most important people in my life take their last breaths and pass on to a better place. It was terribly hard and heart wrenching but I would not have had it any other way.

    2. I really do have another brother besides Pete. His name is Matt. He is 11 yrs younger than me.

    3. I still have one living Grandmother. My brothers and I call her Grandma Kitty. I think that it was our way of distinguishing her apart from our other grandma. She had 10 children and has numerous grandchildren, and probably even more great-grandchildren.

    4. My oldest child Anna was is a carrier of Cystic Fibrosis. We found out when she was born through a new born screening ( the heel prick test). She will never develop the disease, but if she were to have a baby with someone who is also a carrier, they would have a 50% chance of having a child with CF.

    5. I own a antique Singer Sewing Machine, and know how to use it. It originally belonged to my great-grandmother. She made her wedding dress on it. It is approximately 108 yrs old.

    6. One of my biggest pet peeves is people who assume. You know what happens to people who do that …. *ss U Me….

    7. I am secretly hoping that one day, one of those Clean Sweep or Clean House shows will come knocking on my door. My house is so unorganized, no thanks to the kids toys all over!

    8. I am a very sentimental person, so I tend to hang on to a lot of things, that I know I should just get rid of. Which is why I need # 7. 

    9. When I was little, probably up until I was old enough to drive, I would spend almost every weekend at my grandma’s house with my brothers and my cousin Crissy.

    10. If I could change one thing about my past, I probably would have applied myself more in High School. Socially and Academically.

    11. I love to do crossword puzzles. It is my escape, especially after spending a day watching mindless TV with the kids.

    12. I have been told, on a number of occasions that my mind is full of useless knowledge, that can only be good for Jeopardy. Which makes me sorta good at trivia games. I guess those Gen Ed classes in college were good for something!

    13. I love to do crafts and art projects with my kids. I even have a big cupboard in my dining room that is full of art supplies.

    14. I love to cook, bake and all that fun stuff. I wish I had a bigger kitchen to do it in though.

    15. I like to play board and card games.

    16. I wish I could afford to go back to school. Not sure what I would do, but I feel like I need to do something.

    17. My celebrity crush is Dave Grohl of the Foo Fighters. Especially the short hair version.. lol

    18. I have a niece who is a Cadet at West Point! I am very proud of her for choosing this path, as not many men, much less a woman can tackle that demanding situation.

    19. My favorite job ever, would have to be when I worked at UW-Cancer Center. I felt like I was doing something important. Plus I loved my co-workers

    20. When I ever do get a chance to watch TV, I am hooked on stupid reality shows, like Rock of Love. Seriously, it’s like watching a bad accident, you can’t help but look.

    21. When I was in college at UW-La Crosse, it took some ROTC classes to fill up space… While in those classes I won the ROTC Meritorious Citizenship Award.

    22. Yes, my eyes are that blue, and I really am that short! 

    23. Although it may appear on the outside, that I have it together, I struggle daily to keep it together and not let my grief over my Dad get the best of me.

    24. Some people may say that this is my, umm, best feature, but I really wish I had smaller boobs


  5. Hello Everyone!

    Sunny and warmer here today... after the end of last week with sub zero temps, i will take this. i have been suffering through a cold the last few days... I am hoing it goes away soon!

    I will hope to make it to chat tonight... even though its competing with American Idol. :)

  6. Yeah, Yeah.. blame it on me! :) We had another no school day to day as the temps were down to -40 with the wind chill. Brrrr! The kids now have to make up 4 days at the end of the school year....at this rate.. they wont be out of school til 4th of july!

    Nothing big planned for the day.. some of my friends that I used to work with at the day care are coming over this morning and we are gonna Wii Bowl.. That is if I ever get to leave my Mom's. I am waiting for the TV people to come and deliver the new tv. they say between 9-11.. which really means 10:58. LOL

    Have a great day!

  7. Good Chilly Moring from the middle of an artic blast. Bruce I did not tell you to send this my way!!! We cant function in this weather. It is currently -35 up here in WI. Schools are closed and no one is going anywhere.. well my husband did go to work. poor guy.

    Other than the cold not much going on. I have finished my mad scramble to get my resume and stuff all sent in for a job at the University. Hope to hear something soon.

    well I am going to go and get more coffee.. to warm up!!!

    Stay warm everyone!!!


  8. Well.. since Bruce seems to think that all is not right with the world, because I haven't posted in awhile.. I better do it before I knock it off course!

    I have been busy with applying for a job and trying to teach myself the ins and outs of Microsoft office for this job. I do get on and read posts, but havent had much to contribute lately.

    I am still here and ok.. so don't worry Bruce.. the world is still revolving. LOL

  9. Good evening all..

    a low key day for me here today... Was out with the family last night, or should I say all day yesterday.. and we all kinda got "funeral drunk" We have decided there is different types of drunk.. there is birthday drunk, wedding drunk, just plain old fun drunk, and then funeral drunk... which in the case of one particular family memeber was not so fun.

    We are expecting a snowstorm/ice/rain this evening so some of my family that was going to stay all weekend headed back to Chicago this morning.

    Well thats all for me...


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