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  1. This is getting to be a long saga, I finally got an appointment with the Pulmonologist who showed me the "tumor' . Its about the size of a pencil eraser and he wanted me to take a PET scan, which I did on Friday. Two and a half hours. OMG. So now another wait. On the positive side, it would be Stage One. I have decided that I will go to Seattle Cancer Care Center for a second opinion for treatment options
  2. This is so stupid, So my doctor has now decided that more tests are in order and she is going to send me to the pulmonologist. Okay shouldn't that have been done last month. I really like her but why all the foot dragging I just don't know
  3. You sound like lots of folks including doctors. Nutrition is good, nutrition is a waste of time, nutrition will save your life, nutrition will do nothing. I have also heard the same for vitamins, particularly selelium. But my thought is if I think its helping, then it may just help. I need to do something other than just chemo cause I feel that I'm taking an active role and if it will give me another month, year thats really cool Today I went back to exercising and kept repeating SandraLs statement, cancer hates oxygen, cancer hates oxygen
  4. Another good series which is also on tape and can be found at the librarys is Tony Hillermans Series. The stories take place in Arizona on the Navajo Reservation and there is tons of interesting native american culture. Thanks for the suggestions. I see Patterson all over the place but haven't tried any.
  5. Thats cool to know jaminkw, Hears to health
  6. I sure don't know how I missed it. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction
  7. Desertthorn

    What about

    Nutrition? I know that drinking a gallon of carrot juice isn't going to be an alternative to conventional treatment, but I just finished reading Beating Cancer with Nutrition and the author made some sense, at least to me. He said that getting ourselves healthy would help with Chemo. Has anyone tried this.
  8. Elizabeth Peters is a good read. Amelia Peabody is a 1890ies spinster who marries an archiologist and they just go from one dead body to another. Then as the books go, they have a son who joins in the fray and adopts a daughter. Its a good read.
  9. I have a book by the bed and one by the couch and 2 on order from Amazon. I love mysteries, not blood and guts kind but well female detectives. I have gotten thru about 10 of the Evanovich (Plum) series, and all of the Elizabeth Peters (Peabody) series except the last one. I am also a Harry Potter fan and have reread them twice. Looking for something else.. Suggestions
  10. Welcome Bud, I understand how you feel. I just had my CT scan and waiting for the results. I have been in a continuous panic attact and not doing well at all. I have been doing some reading thought, any books that help Get to the doc cause waiting isn't going to help at all
  11. Welcome Grimie, Glad you found us
  12. Hi Jeanne, I'm with you girl. My DD is 6 year AA and I am so proud of her and you. Welcome to the board
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