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Everything posted by dianew

  1. Sometimes my brain just doesn't keep up . . . I meant my treatments had to be done within 48 hours of 30 days after the previous treatment . . .
  2. I think Eric and Lily actually got Thursday started on Wednesday - but just glad to see people. Lily I'm so glad you are feeling better. I did some research for a job I was doing a few years back on nonprofits. It was really fascinating. Some are just great - and others are well - complete frauds. It is really a "buyer beware" sort of thing. Some are definitely worse than others, but always end up preying on the people they are supposed to help. Eric the memorial sounds lovely, and I am sure your talk was the best and Robert would have been thrilled! Janet - now that you mention it, I do remember making several trips to Seattle before the actual trial got underway. Once all the pre-testing was done, and it was just a matter of getting the treatment, it did go much more smoothly. I know they tried hard to accommodate my schedule since we were coming from out of town, but the trial itself required very strict time lines. Fortunately my treatment was only once a month although often required two days for scans, but had to be done within 48 hours of the previous treatment - no wiggle room. Taking the train sounds wonderful. How long a trip is it by train? I love trains and would have been happy to have that as an option, but the nearest train station is 2-1/2 hours north in Eugene. There are definitely drawbacks to living in a smaller town. We don't have a Marshall's either -- I loved Marshall's when I lived in San Diego! I hear we are getting a Texas Roadhouse. Not sure exactly what they are - but assume some type of BBQ/steak place. Also, we have not one, not two, but THREE super Walmarts . . . just don't ask me why. The idea of our small valley needing 3 super Walmarts is just bizarre. I think someone in corporate headquarters must have had a few too many drinks at lunch one day maybe. Our weather is still cloudy and cool, maybe will hit 60 by late mid-afternoon. I did see the weather report and it said it "might" hit 70 this weekend -- if that came with some sun it would be perfect. Take care everyone!
  3. dianew

    Praise the Lord

    Wonderful news! Thanks so much for sharing.
  4. Janet, so glad to see you back and you've decided your course of action. Will you have to go to Boston for every aspect of the trial, or can you do some of it locally? I rather enjoyed the trial I participated in - it was kind of an interesting process, and of course it also was held at a large cancer center, which was a new experience for me as well. Your story of the neighbor's young Aussie wanting to play with your old guy reminded me of a situation we had - entirely of our own making! We had a 12 yr old shepherd and were worrying about how much longer we would have her, so we got the bright idea of getting a new shepherd puppy so we would have him when the older dog died. One of the dumbest things I've ever done! The puppy decided to adopt the old female as his mother (and playmate), and would pester her from morning til night. All she wanted to do was enjoy her retirement, nap and wake up just long enough to get an occasional belly rub and treat. The look on her face clearly said "why is he here and what were you thinking"! I like to think it kept her young longer - bu I think that's just to make me feel better. I've noticed lots of trees are blooming, but it is still awfully cold -- I can see spring coming, but I really want some warm weather. We are taking a friend to dinner tonight for her birthday. She is 89, and her best friend just died two weeks ago. They spent all of their time together, so it has left a big gap. She is such an optimist though. I said something about how hard it must be to keep outliving all of your friends - but her response is that you just need to keep making new ones! Hope some of the others stop by to say hello. Diane
  5. Thank you for taking the time to post this. What a success she is and how much hope this can give to others in her situation.
  6. This is such sad news. He was such an inspiration for so many, and the cause has surely lost an important advocate.
  7. Not a big day here either. Weather is cloudy - but not too cold. Was supposed to rain, but I haven't seen any. I remember my mother telling me that they (she lived on a farm) always had their main meal at noon. I've probably got this wrong - but I think she said they called the big noon meal dinner, and the lighter evening meal supper. Also I think I've read that it is a healthier way to live than to have your biggest meal in the evening as most of us do. I don't think I'd ever get my husband to change though. I love Salisbury steak and don't know why I don't fix it very often. Hope everyone has a nice evening.
  8. dianew

    Sunday Air

    I am so sorry to hear about your friend Michelle. I think you are right about keeping busy. I lost my best friend in 1987, and I still miss her. There must be a story behind the diry diapers, but I can't imagine what!
  9. dianew

    Sunday Air

    I hope everyone is having a nice weekend. Our weather has turned colder and cloudy, but not actually a lot of rain. My husband decided this was the weekend to clean out the garage, so I'm trying to help. (Actually I'm trying to make sure he doesn't throw out things he shouldn't and that he does throw out things he should). I'm going to dinner and the theatre with a friend tonight which should be fun. Her husband doesn't like to go much, and neither does mine, so we get together at the beginning of the season and pick out a half dozen or so shows we want to see. Most have been really good. Hope everyone is having a good day.
  10. Hi Lily - glad you got things started. I know what a bummer it is being down and not able to do the things you are used to and want to get done - but hopefully by following the doctor's orders things will heal pretty fast and you'll be back on your feet in no time. I think the sewing group to do lap throws is a great idea - and would be fun for the ladies as well! Your weather is definitely better than it is up here. Today its cloudy and cool. They have been predicting a dryer, cooler spring than normal - which of course is not ood news for the upcoming fire season. Hopefully we'll get some more rain yet. I'm sure ready for summer but don't want to be breathing in smoke all summer either. I haven't crocheted in years, but I used to enjoy it. I can knit, but I lose patience with it too fast (of course it doesn't help that I always tend to pick out the most complicated sweater patterns) Reading about your projects has gotten me thinking about doing afghans for my granddaughters for Xmas gifts, so think I may make a trip to the yarn shop. Have a good weekend everyone.
  11. Our weather is about the same here - and I just love the blue sky. Have to admit I've never heard of a scoop tractor, but glad you didn't drop him I don't think the weather is supposed to be this nice into the weekend, but I'm hoping so we can work in the yard. (Well to be honest, Chuck works in the yard and I "supervise")! Good luck at the auction - it should be really interesting. I can never figure out why, if someone has valuable things in a storage area, they would just walk away from it, but apparently it happens. Will be waiting to hear how it went and how many cool things you find. Has anyone heard from Janet? I am so hoping her trip to Boston went well. I hope Lily's getting back on her feet and will be back soon. Have a great weekend everyone.
  12. It was supposed to hit 60 here today, and cloudy - but I think it's still in the 50s. Doesn't sound like I'm going to get much sympathy from any of you though! Eric, I gained weight (15 lbs actually) during chemo and have been trying to get it off ever since. I finally lost about 10 lbs, but then the pulmonary doc put me on prednisone and I gained back 5. I'm finally off the prednisone and am trying to get back on the "wagon". I am going to our local theatre this weekend and meeting a friend for Mexican food and a Margarita - not exactly on the diet plan, but as you pointed out we can't give up everything after all!! I hope the show is good. It's called "Rhytmn of the Dance", and it's billed as a "1000 year journey through Celtic music and dance", so I think it will be wonderful even if it can't match the excitement of sawing people in half Clare, I can't even remember when I last ice skated - I am sure I'd break something! Good for you for sticking with it. I have watched something I think was called "storage wars"? Maybe the same show. Seemed like a risky way to make a few bucks to me. I'm not much of a gambler. They all seemed to be very competitive. Take care everyone, and have a great evening.
  13. Welcome Jody. I missed your initial post somehow. I have to agree as well with what everyone has said about a cancer center. I live in a smaller town and we do not have a true cancer center here and I think it is always worthwhile to get to one if at all feasible. I have to admit I'm confused by your doctor - he says you are terminal but you have a 30% chance. Doesn't make much sense to me - and as you can see if you check out some of the good news forums that there are many of us who are here way beyond what anyone expected and we are not planning to go anywhere soon. I know it is really scarey sometimes - but as Randy said we are all terminal and we just need to live each day to the fullest and let tomorrow take care of itself. This month is 15 years since my first lung cancer diagnosis - and like Eric, this fall it will be 5 years since my second. I can tell you that no one, least of all my doctors, thought I would still be here enjoying life. Please let us know how you are doing.
  14. I missed your post somehow the first time, but although a bit late I do want to welcome you also to this club none of us wanted to belong to. It sounds like you have the most important medicine of all, a great attitude! A love of fishing never hurt either Please keep us posted on how you are doing.
  15. I can't say that I know much about it personally, but here is a link to lots of information on all types of scar tissue from the Livestrong web site - might find some good information there. http://www.livestrong.com/scar-tissue/
  16. Really sad news Eric. My condolences to the whole family.
  17. I so glad you got your bird - he's really handsome and love the name! Do you think he'll talk eventually? My daughter-in-law had a Macaw that talked a bluestreak - but it was mean and scared the heck out of me - had a huge beak. I like Barker's size much better. All the best on your trip to Boston, and I hope they have the perfect trial for you. I really did enjoy the trial I participated in. The long drive to Seattle got a little old - but we just made a point of enjoying the great Seattle food and sights and that made it much easier. How far is Bostom from where you are? Alan, I agree it would be nice to have some of the guys drop in more often. Randy and Bruce used to drop in fairly often, and still do once in awhile, but I'm sure they are busy but maybe they'll be by to say hello one of these days soon. Well guess what . . . the laundry room project that was supposed to be done this weekend didn't quite make it Janet - it's those darn baseboards. At least the washer is hooked up again. Sunny and hi 60s here today, and supposed to be almost 70 tomorrow. The plum tree has blossoms on it and I hear lawnmowers going . . . I LOVE IT!! Hope it's a good Monday wherever you are.
  18. Mike - loved the picture. It is easy to see whose the boss at your house! Janet - my husband's off to the hardware store yet again and he is also insisting the laundry room will be done this weekend. Maybe??? . . . but he's not mentioned the baseboard either, and he hasn't even purchased a countertop, still has to finish the floor, paint the rest of the room (and I think he's cheating by skipping the ceiling), and change out a couple of electrical sockets (that's one thing I really wish he'd leave to an expert). Looking for your bird sounds like so much more fun!
  19. Janet the snow does sound kind of nice - as long as you can stay inside where it's warm. I wish we'd get a little more snow just because it's so pretty - but most of the snow hits the hills around the valley and down here on the valley floor we just get the drizzles. If we do get an inch or two, it melts in a few hours. Michelle, don't give up on Sampson - he'll get it - he's a smart dog. I had the same problem with one of my dogs, and a dog trainer finally convinced me to put her in a crate at night. As I remember I also had to take away her water around 7:30 or 8:00. The trainer said that if she drank too much water and had to pee in the middle of the night, it would wake her up and then she would not be able to hold it until morning - therefore the accidents. The worst part was I had to set my alarm for around 4 AM to get up and take her out, and stay out with her until she was done (not fun when it's cold and raining)! I have to admit it worked great and only took about a week. But even during the day she never really "tells" you she needs to go, so I just have to pay attention and if I noticed her sitting near the door I let her out. The drawback to that is that she also likes to sit at the door and watch the birds - so I spend a lot of time running back and forth opening the door for her only to have her just sit there and look at me The same trainer told me I could teach her to ring a bell when she needs to go out - but I just never took the time to do that - seemed way too difficult. Katie, it sure had been nice without all the spammers. I think anything that helps make your job easier is a great thing!! We don't have much planned for the weekend. My grandkids are all sick so I have to stay away. Hopefully the laundry room project will move along a bit - am glad to know I'm not the only one living with "Tim the tool man" Have a great weekend everyone.
  20. Well after such a nice day on Monday, we had another storm come through. Janet I agree - enough of this!!! I love homemade soup - wish our Church would do a Lenten soup night. My problem is I love soup with lots of great sourdough or french bread and butter -- not a diet friendly option for me especially since I'm still trying to get off the darned Prednisone! You will have to post a picture of the new family member! I was thinking a bird would be cool - and not at all the trouble another dog would be - until I realized that my shepherd would just love to have a bird in the house, if you know what I mean. So I will just be happy hearing about yours. Have the groomer here this afternoon clipping both dogs way down. Shedding is starting and while they don't look quite as pretty for awhile, it sure makes my life easier. My husband got it into his head to remodel the laundry room - floor, paint and countertops. Problem is he starts these things and then gets busy at work -- and so there sits my washer and dryer not hooked up, floor half in, walls half painted, laundry piling up and no end in sight to the project. He says he is saving us money, but I bet he's been to Home Depot at least a dozen times. Of course I think it would be as cheap and much easier on all of us if he'd just hire someone to do it. It must be a guy thing - just because he CAN do it, does it mean he HAS to? Lily - I hope you are feeling better and recovering quickly. Happy Wednesday!
  21. Sounds like all around good news! I definitely understand the communication gap - it often takes me two or three visits before I really grasp what the doctor is saying. Somehow I think that is probably more common than not. I have heard of cases where surgery was initially not considered, but things changed, or more to the point became clearer, and surgery became a possibility. The fact that it may be an option here would be excellent news. In the meantime enjoy the respite and please keep us posted as to how the next scan comes out. Diane
  22. dianew

    7 Years!

    Great anniversary! Thank you for sharing.
  23. dianew

    Monday Air

    Janet - congratulations on the cockatiel!! I never doubted it for a minute I don't know much about them, except they have such pretty colors. And wow - what fantastic news about your daughter getting into the public health program. That is very exciting all by itself, but as a mother I can relate to the pleasure of having all 3 kids where you can visit them easily and at the same time no less!! Michelle - sounds like you have your work cut out for you, but think how nice it will be when done. Mostly the doctor gave me some new inhalers to try (he's always been very resiistant to anything different and I've been on the same ones for years - getting worse all the time) - but the big thing was a nebulizer. I can't tell you how much difference that's made. I am still so mad at him that after all this time he never even suggested my trying one. I know they are busy and we have to advocate for ourselves, but he's a specialist and it does seem like I shouldn't have to do all the work. But so far I feel like a new person! So I guess that's the important thing.
  24. dianew

    Monday Air

    Lily - good luck today. I know it will go well, but is always such a relief to have it behind you. Will be thinking of you. Diane
  25. dianew

    Monday Air

    I think this is going to be a good day - even if it is Monday. The sun is out and the weatherman is saying close to 60 today. It is amazing what a little sun and warmth can do for your outlook. It isn't supposed to stick around the rest of the week - but it's a sign that spring is on the way and I'm grateful. I'm also beginning to feel better after having so much trouble this winter. Most of the time the worry is LC, but this year it's been my breathing. The radiation treatment really did a job on my one remaining lung. It has been a little frustrating dealing with the symptoms. My doctor (pulmonologist) really hasn't done anything that's helped much. I'm not sure what took me so long (as I know bettter), but I finally googled and did some of my own research. I took a list of treatment options he'd never mentioned with me to my last couple appts. He said I could try them and something's working as I am feeling much better. I'm grateful. But what I can't understand is with all the times this winter I've seen him, and been so sick, why in the world he never suggested trying any of these things. It just reinforces the fact that we have to do our homework and advocate for ourselves constantly. I am planning to meet a friend for lunch today and am really looking forward to that. Since I'm getting spring fever I might even start putting away some of my heavier winter clothes and digging out the spring ones -- or would that be tempting fate? I hope it is a good Monday for everyone.
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