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Posts posted by BeckyCW

  1. Debi, I'm sorry you have a bad case of "what if's" -- and I hope it goes away soon and that you'll remember what an awesome, confident, can-do woman you are. You know, it seems like some of the most incredibly capable people go through times of insecurity worse than anything that INcapable people go through. Why is that? No matter, we all know you can get through this (yes, even the flights), and your son will be proud of you for it, and you'll knock the socks off them at work, too.

    Hang in there, and remember who you are!


  2. My two cents: I understand the first mention of the Lung Cancer Alliance because of their focus on advocacy. I don't know a lot about them, but I'm sure they're doing good work. I think most advocacy has the ULTIMATE purpose of getting more dollars for research for a cure. Since LCSC has recently merged with LUNGevity, and raising funds for research is their mission, I think we'd be wise to work with them. They probably have the kind of template of statistics, etc. that we're talking about, too.

    And speaking of working with them... Since they do fundraising, including corporate donors I'm sure, we probably should talk with them about who they're approaching and how we can best help -- and let them know who we're approaching, so they can add their weight to ours. A united approach might make a big difference -- and they may have leads we can build on. Does anyone from LUNGevity's (fundraising) staff read our posts? We're open to that, aren't we?

    I think it's great that so many companies support breast cancer causes, but like you, I cringe when I see so many of them and none for lung cancer. We may be most successful in targeting companies that are not already committed to another cause in a big way, though.

    Last, good point, Debi! When someone DOES do something for lung cancer, we need to support them and let them know that people are seeing and appreciating it. Maybe LUNGevity could give us names of companies now and then to thank, too.

    Welthy, I say go ahead and keep drinking that coffee - I don't think you've had too much yet -- LOL!


  3. Shelly, I'm just so sorry. I'm glad you've got this place to get things off your chest and hope that helps, even a little. Maybe some of the rest of us can do the hoping and praying, for now, while you just do your best to take care of yourself. I've got no business giving advice, so I'll just say I really care and am thinking of you.


  4. Andrea, is this your 2nd opinion, or the 3rd? Are you still getting opinions? Is at least one of them from a university hospital? (I'm sure you've got it covered!) I just can't believe this is happening -- It's just TOO MUCH! Please let me know if I can do anything for you - and call if you run out of people to vent to. I'll hold the phone far from my ear and just let you yell until you want to stop. I know I can't do much, but I can listen! I'm just so sorry your family has SO much to deal with right now, and hope things get better and less scary for all of you soon.

    Hugs & prayers,


  5. Bobby, I think you asked a very smart question -- and got some great responses! My brother also fought to the very, very end and yes, he suffered a lot. But after his first treatment was over, he had some good time to enjoy life, family and work - to go about his life and influence others. Yes, his cancer came back, but it doesn't always! Anyway, he would be elbowing his way to the front of the line to tell your sister to try her heart out to beat this thing. (He would also make her laugh at something, which I can't figure out a way to do at the moment.) :wink: Anyway, this can be beat, and why not her?! You hang in there, too. I'm thinking about you and sending every good wish and prayer for your sister.


  6. I saw one in Texas earlier this month that made me laugh, being from Texas originally and knowing how truly fortunate the citizens of that state feel to be Texans:

    "I wasn't born in Texas, but I got here just as soon as I could."


  7. Bobby, I just checked in to see if you'd posted about your sister's treatment today, and I'm glad you did! Also glad you'll be able to spend some time with her to help out, keep her spirits up, and just BE with her.

    Just wanted you to know I'm thinking of you and your sister. Also, please remember that lots of people are on this site reading posts and just never posting anything (shy folks!), so even more people than you realize are pulling for her and wishing her well.


  8. Andrea, Happy New Year! Just chiming in to say I'm STILL exhausted and starting to wonder if it's a permanent condition. Just kidding... sort-of. Really, I do remember being completely, utterly, amazingly TIRED after David's diagnosis sunk in. Now my mom is fighting colon cancer (stage 2) and that same kind of "tired" is back -- only since her prognosis is a lot more hopeful, I'm "less tired" than I was at this point with David. I wonder if the "fight or flight" thing is what makes us tired?

    Hang in there,


  9. Kasey, I'm happy for your friends that they don't understand what this is all about... and sad for you that they don't seem to be trying to understand.

    There seem to be few people who know how to be a good friend to someone going through this (and I'm not even a patient saying this, "just" a family member!). And those who DO know -- or at least ASK -- how to be supportive are golden.

    I'm starting to think schools should teach people about how to act around people who have life-threatening diseases and/or family members who have loved ones who are seriously ill or have lost loved ones. So few people get it, and I'm sure they're more ignorant than actually as unfeeling as they can seem! Also, they need to teach what "in remission" means -- It doesn't mean you can stop being concerned or worrying; it doesn't mean, "whew, at least THAT's over!"

    Anyway, I'm THRILLED about your two-year mark, and thrilled that you're a member of this community. I think you picked the perfect forum to post in -- You are an inspiration to me!



  10. Just bumping this up in hopes a few more people will reply to - and welcome - Bobby!

    Bobby, I hope you and your sister are doing well. I hope you're doing something this weekend to really enjoy yourselves, before she starts chemo this coming Monday.

    Just wanted you to know I've been thinking of you and hoping your sister goes into remission quickly and stays there forever!


  11. Andrea, I gotta get me some of that rice pudding! Seriously, I'm so glad to hear your dad is home, and I know he's proud to have a daughter like you -- and a wife like your mom -- beside him right now. I'm mean, I'm sure he's ALWAYS happy about that, but... you know. Not just anyone will be there to take you for rice pudding on the way home from lung surgery.

    Keep your spirits up, and let me know if I can do anything for you.



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