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Posts posted by BeckyCW

  1. Since the day Fay went to heaven, I haven't been able to come here, knowing how sad it is for everyone.

    Fay, there is now way to express how much you are missed. To Fay's family: My heart breaks for you and I hope you know how much Fay meant to us all and what a huge hole she leaves here, too.

    Fay, you have lots of good, good people hug up there... We are glad you are out of pain and have finally won that battle you've been fighting for so long.



  2. Fay, you know how much you mean to all of us, don't you? My heart is breaking, and I refuse to give up hope. I want you to know you are one of the strongest and bravest women I've ever known. I pray for courage, strength and a loving spirit for your whole family right now.


  3. I hate this disease for taking some of the world's most special people from us. Wishing peace to Addie's loved ones -- including all of us here who will miss her so much. Godspeed, Addie.


  4. Addie, I didn't bother going to last night's party at the pub, after I heard you were sitting this one out. Just wanted you to know I'm thinking of you and praying for you... including many prayers that the pain is under control soon.



  5. Connie, I'm sending something back to you with Donna and crew. It's something you gave me awhile back and it has served me well... Can you guess what it is? A warm and gentle hug!

    I hope you're feeling better and more ornery by the hour... so ornery that they kick you out of there real soon, so you can sleep in your own bed and make Maurie wait on you hand and foot, cook you just what you want, and feed you ice cream anytime you want it!

    Saying many prayers for you,


  6. Fay... oh, Fay! I'm so sorry about this news that I know you were fearing all along. I pray you'll be out of pain soon and that the Gezmar melts away every last bit of tumor. You rest, stay strong as always, and know we're all praying for you!

    (((((hugs to Fay))))


  7. Any news on Connie yet, today? I'm praying today is more good news on the recovery front and less pain for dear Connie. Thank you for the updates, Katie!


  8. Thank you for the update, Katie -- It's what I signed on to get!

    Connie, you are in my prayers and will STAY there. I'm looking forward to seeing your smiling face on here again real soon, with nothing but good news. You hang in there, rest up, and show those doctors what SURVIVOR means!



  9. Yes, in order of the likelihood of getting a donation: 1) requesting a donation, in person, face to face, 2) a phone call, especially if following up on a letter sent recently, 3) a letter by itself (awfully easy to ignore), and 4) an email (unless it's someone you know and who cares a lot about you!). Of course, the number one reason people don't give is because.... no one asks! :roll: You're ASKING, so take heart... You'll get there.


  10. Oh Fay, what can I say? You do have the most remarkable spirit, and I love that you stay positive and in the Christmas spirit throughout all of this. I don't know how you do it. My prayers are still with you (and I'll kick the contractor's shins for you, if you can tell me where he is!).


  11. Connie, I was so happy to see a post from you with the update. I was out of breath just reading it, I can't imagine what you and Maurie are feeling! I hope you get to the "all is calm, all is bright" stage of the holiday season real soon, and that the new year truly will be bright (with that one little bump in the road on the 18th behind you, that is...)

    Just remember, you're the "heart" of LCSC, so we expect you to take good care of yourself. I can't wait to see what kind of party hat you're going to come up with!



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