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Posts posted by Teacake

  1. You go, Girl. You deserve a little sunshine in your life. Enjoy it, savor it and send those rays to your sister.

    I'll be sending a few as well.

    Fran 8)

  2. I'm waaaaaaaaay laaaaaater but wish you the best.

    So, Chemo Sabe, Tonto and the Lone Ranger were in a battle with Indians. They high tailed it (not really running away, but riding real fast in the opposite direction) and came to a great drop-off. The Lone Ranger turned to Tonto and said "Tonto, we're in a heap of trouble." Tonto replied "What's this We S- -t, Paleface."


  3. Good Evening, Everybody;

    Terry had a very rough night but has slept most of the day. Katha (TeeTaa) took off a little before lunch to go down and give Ann a break. I'm sure she'll post more information when she gets back home.

    She's bringing Terry's daughter back with her to surprise her girls. Actually the little one, Livi, told her to bring her something back. When Katha asked what, Livi said "A cousin." So Katha asked which one and Livi replied "It doesn't matter, just a cousin.". A whole bunch of us may play hooky Friday and go to White Water and have a little fun. That way I get to spoil my nieces and nephews.

    The nicknames:

    TBone-he's allergic to fish and whenever Daddy's company would drain a pond and have a huge fish fry, he would get a steak. I lay claim to starting to call him that. Also tried to convince them I was allergic to fish. Didn't work....

    ViVi-Her name is Virginia Inez (aka Ginger) (don't tell her I told you about the Inez part) Katha started calling her that really early in Katha's childhood. Katha is 13 years younger than Vivi.

    Teacake-me, Fran. I'm known far and wide for the southern teacakes that I make. (Grandma's recipe)

    Crawfish-Guy Crawford, brother.

    TeeTaa-Katha. First niece couldn't say Katha so it became TeeTaa, sometimes TaaTee.

    Gigi-Ginger's (Vivi) daughter. Name is Virginia, also.

    Livi-Olivia, Katha's youngest. A diminutive form reminiscent of Vivi.

    Here's the rundown on the whole family: 1 st gen:Mama (Matha-yep, there's no "r" in it., Daddy (Dozier). 2nd gen: Cathy, Ginger (Vivi), Terry Dozier (TBone), Fran (Teacake), Guy (Crawfish), Katha (TeeTaa). 3rd gen (in chronological order): Coulter, Jacob, Kali, Dozier, Caleb, Gigi, Elliott, Anna, Abby, Livi.

    In-laws:2nd gen: Fred, Bobby, Ann, Bob (quasi-just strongly attached)Tina, John. 3rd gen: Amos.

    More than you asked for? Sorry, but it's hard to figure out where to stop where this family is concerned.


  4. You WERE dropped off at the door, BUT we went and parked and then went in and got great seats up and stage right. I had my eyes on you the whole time. Well, not the whole time, 'cause as I remember the whole band was reaaaaaaal cute and I was only a young wife at the time. Katha (TeeTaa) you had to be between 11 and 14 because I was married to Charlie.

    Luke Hazzard's real name is John Schneider.

    Did anybody mention Good Times (Dynomite!)?


  5. Good Morning, All;

    OK, yep, we invited 1000+ folks but this is the way I figure it: there are four women, that means four bosses. So we have to have a big shindig so we'll each have our own empire. But we must keep in mind that there is only one queen mother and as she sometimes reminds us "I'm still the Mama." And our response is "ok". :?

    Take care everybody, look for the sun.


  6. As Dozier's 21 yr. old bachelor cousin noticed, he wore a different Hooter's shirt in each photo.

    They are all pretty special and mean the world to me and the rest of the whole family.

    I think there's another beach trip in the works for sometime in August....May I go, TBone?

    Love you,

    Fran (namesake aunt to that little girl stage right-Anna Frances!)

  7. Shellie;

    Take care and take time for yourself.

    This comes from one that was wigging big time during a divorce and not handling things as those that had always relied on me expected me to (calm down, Vivi, TeeTaa, TBone-not talking about family-just everybody else in B.V.) So I did the only thing I could think of to save myself. I bolted. I concentrated on me and what I had to do. Ridded myself of some of the responsibility. Now, I'm basically back to my old self if not a new and improved version. At least I think I am. As I told Mama during that decision, I've put everybody else first for 45 yrs, now it's my turn.

    So, My Friend, it is your turn. The sun is gonna come up tomorrow-it may be cloudy and difficult to see, but it is there. Put on your sunscreen and sunglasses and enjoy it.

    I'm just on the other side of this computer if you need to talk.


  8. I guess I need to bring home that gross of paper plate straw thingees that I found when unpacking!

    We really would love to "surprise" Terry with some of you. But Ginger has let the cat out of the bag. I was gonna private message some of you.

    Nuska, just where in Alabama do you live? We're just 30 miles from the Alabama border.

    Hope some of you can make it!


    P.S. Did you mean "roast" Terry?

  9. Thanks to all of you for the concern and well wishes for today's situation and for Terry's birthday.

    Ann just called from Mama's and she said that he's sleeping right now so she went to bring Mama up to date. All the kids are out of the house right now so maybe he'll get some rest to get ready for his party next weekend. Wish some/all of y'all could come. Preliminary plans are to play in the pond and cook something (probably lots of lots of somethings).

    I hear Terry is issueing requests: wants night game tickets for him and the boys right behind the dugout for a Braves game. Hmmmm, come to think of it, I'd like one, too! But I'm gonna sit between my nephews so they can keep the foul balls from hitting me.

    Again, thanks for your thoughts, concerns and words of support and cheer.

    We'll keep y'all posted.


  10. Thanks for all the concern, Folks.

    I have no excuse other than moving into a newly purchased home and unpacking and unpacking and unpacking.......

    I'm sure this Florida trip will perk Bone up. And walking on the beach is always therapeutic.

    Everybody take care,

    Fran (Teacake)

  11. Bone;

    Mall? McDonald's? Hospital? These folks obviously don't realize just how little Buena Vista really is!!!!

    And if you want a treadmill, well, I just happen to have a really lonely one.... Of course, TeeTaa will have to bring it home as it doesn't fit in the VW.

    Glad to hear you're feeling better. Got the scoop from ViVi this morning after she sneakily followed you around while you were walking! And she thought she had pulled a good one over on you.

    Love you,


  12. Hey, I'm in on the T-shirt ad campaign! Now that I've gotten rid of a personal albatross taking so much of my time recently, I'm good to go and will do whatever is needed of me.

    Note to self: is this THE project we've been looking for?


  13. Good Morning, All;

    It does get quite confusing with all of the names in the family. Added to the MATHA/CATHY/KATHA/KALI/CALEB/COULTER name grouping is FRED/FRAN/ANN/ANNA/ABBY, TERRY/TINA, BOBBY/BOB, and we have JOHN/JAKE/JOHN. (OK one of those Johns is actually kin but the other can't get rid of us).

    We used to laugh when we were kids and Mama would go down the list ad finally get to whomever she was calling. It ain't quite so funny as we are all doing it now.

    Thanks for all of your support and concern. And rest assured, we are a mobile family and have been known to go great distances when a friend needed us. So just let us know what, when, where we can help.

    And, Elaine, consider me your's.

    Love to you this and every day,


  14. Hi, Annie;

    Said it before and I'll say it again-so glad I took you to New Orleans for Mardi Gras that year. I knew you had it bad when you saw his blue eyes. Then I knew he had it bad when he came home the next weekend and he hadn't made that trip in several months....

    Love to you this and every day,

    Fran (the proud namesake aunt of your beautiful little girl-Anna Frances)

  15. Hi, Y'all;

    I'm Teacake, TBone's immediately younger sister. And I claim giving him his nickname. He's allergic to fish and whenever Daddy's company had a fish fry, Terry would get steak so I just started calling him that. Never could convince anybody I was allergic to fish, too.

    Thank you all for your words of encouragement and support. We are a very close family but it always helps to get input from others. You're all officially members of our family now. Welcome, we'll cook up some gumbo soon.


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