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Posts posted by jstdzy

  1. Meeko,

    Welcome aboard! Eating really helps. What I did was food I loved, I couldn't stand anymore. Food I didn't really care for, now I loved. So what Dad eats will probably change alot. Also the had me take steriods, which made me really cranky. You are not alone and neither is your family. You can always come here and ask questions and be afraid. If you weren't afraid something would be wrong with you!


  2. Virg,

    Up at the top of this section is a post called "commonly used acroynyms"

    like, ONC=Oncologist.

    The ones I used with RAD ONC=radiolgy oncologist


    sclc=small cell lung cancer

    ULL-upper left lobectomey

    I think we all set there at first going now what the heck does that mean? LOL (laughing out loud)!


  3. Damn Michelle!

    That man is horrible! You are a much kinder person then I am! I would report his a** and possibly then shot it!!!! What a jerk! You are one amazing woman and hubby is blessed to have you!


    P.S. Don't forget the xanax! LOL!

  4. Virg,

    Before being dx'd with sclc I was dx'd with "mild" COPD. The doc had me on spiriva, then the cancer dx came. I had ULL followed by four rounds of chemo with a 3 week break between rounds. Chemo didn't seem to effect my breathing one way or the other. My ONC recently had me talk to a RAD ONC about PCI (brain radiation), he and I both came to the conclusion not to have it done, so I relate to your decision. We are all differant! Thanks for keeping us updated!


  5. Hi Marci,

    You have 3 lobes that make up your right lung and 2 lobes that make up your left lung. A lobectomey is when the remove one of your lobes. A wedge is when they just remove a wedge shaped section of a lobe. That's wonderful that they did VATS that is so much easier on person. I'm glad they are taking good care of Nan.


  6. Hi Richard,

    It doesn't sound to me like you are "feeling sorry" for yourself! You have every right to feel like crap right now! Lordy how I hated chemo! I was one of the ones that got sicker with each treatment, thank God I only had four. By two I was ready to throw in the towel! But you are over half way there your almost done! As Ned said I would also make sure the ONC knows what a tough time you are having. I got better, you'll get better!



  7. Hi Michelle,

    I worked in a pharmacy for a few years about OMG! 20 years ago? Even back then when they first started computers they had the capability to flag drug interactions. I would use your site, but I would take that info to your pharmacist. Pharmacists study drugs and the reaction to the human body and interactions for 5 years, doctors take 1 maybe 2 semesters. Also I would punch in a rx and it would come up with a severity 9 (the worst) and the pharmacist would check it and say that's okay, because so and so, and this that and the other thing. So as been said check your website stuff with your pharm. Also only get meds filled at one pharm if possible!


  8. Kathy,

    I would ask Dr. West over at gracecancer.org. I too am one of the very lucky and I don't fall in to any set of particular patients. I smoked for 37 years and quit the day of my ULL. I was taking Chantix at the time, but I quit taking it before chemo. I quit, you can quit. It is an addiction and it soothes your nerves. You are NOT a loser and you are NOT weak and you do NOT have anything to be ashamed of! You need to talk to a pharmacist, try calling the pharmacist where you get your chemo done. See if they know, they will if anybody does. Half the battle of not smoking is wanting to quit and it sounds to me like you really want to quit! Keep us posted!


  9. Been arrested? --- yes

    Kissed someone you didn't like? --- yes

    Slept in until Noon? --- yes

    Fallen asleep at work/school? --- yes

    Held a snake? --- yes

    Ran a red light? --- yes

    Been suspended from school? -- yes

    Experienced love at first sight? --- yes

    Totaled your car in an accident? -- no

    Been in a vehicle at more than 100 mph? --yes

    Driven a vehicle at more than 100 mph? --- yes

    Been fired from a job? --yes

    Fired somebody? --- no

    Sang karaoke? --- no

    Pointed a gun at someone? --- no

    Done something you told yourself you wouldn't? --- yes

    Laughed until something you were drinking came out your nose? --- yes

    Caught a snowflake on your tongue? ---yes

    Kissed in the rain? -- yes

    Had a close brush with death (your own)? --- yes

    Ever feared for your life? --- yes

    Seen someone die? --- yes

    Played spin-the-bottle? --- yes

    Sang in the shower? ---yes

    Smoked a cigar? --- yes

    Sat on a rooftop? ---yes

    Smuggled something into another country? ---yes

    Been pushed into a pool with all your clothes? -- yes

    Broken a bone? ---no

    Skipped school? --- yes

    Eaten a bug? ---no

    Sleepwalked? --- yes

    Walked a moonlit beach? --- yes

    Ridden a motorcycle? --- yes

    Dumped someone? --- yes

    Forgotten your anniversary? --- no

    Lied to avoid a ticket? --- yes

    Ridden in a helicopter? --no

    Shaved your head? --- yes

    Played a prank on someone? --- yes

    Hit a home run? --- no

    Felt like killing someone? --- yes

    Cross-dressed? --- yes

    Been falling-down drunk? --- yes

    Made your girlfriend/boyfriend cry? --- yes

    Eaten snake? ---NO!

    Marched/Protested? --- yes

    Had Mexican jumping beans for pets? --- yes

    Puked on amusement ride? --- no

    Seriously & intentionally boycotted something? --- yes

    Been in a band? --- no

    Knitted? ---yes

    Been on TV? --- no

    Fired a gun? --- yes

    Skinny-dipped? --- yes

    Given someone stitches? --- no

    Eaten a whole habenero pepper (or other hot peppers)? -- no

    Ridden a surfboard? --- no

    Drank straight from a liquor bottle? --- yes

    Streaked? --- no

    Taken by ambulance to hospital? --- yes

    Passed out when not drinking? --- yes

    Peed on a bush? ---yes

    Donated Blood? --- yes

    Grabbed electric fence? --- no

    Eaten alligator meat? --- no

    Eaten cheesecake? --- yes

    Eaten your kids' Halloween candy? --- no

    Killed an animal when not hunting? --- yes

    Peed your pants in public? --- yes

    Snuck into a movie without paying? --- no

    Written graffiti? ---no

    Love someone you shouldn't? --- yes

    Think about the future? --- yes

    Been in handcuffs? -- yes

    Believe in love? --- yes

    Sleep on a certain side of the bed? ---yes

    Have a tattoo? -- yes


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