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Posts posted by Elaine

  1. Dearest Gay

    I am awaiting my final dx--and from what drs say it doesn't look hopeful. The last days have been filled with fear, confusion and at times a sense of hopelessness and dread, but reading your and Dean's posts have given me moments of belief in the human spirit to sustain all that life can bring its way.

    you are beautiful people, and I can't understand why these things happen. I have at times thought I deserved this, but that cannot be because if that were true then it would mean that the wonderful people on this board also deserved lc. That can't be, as you and Dean are a testament to.

    You must know that CarlDean cherishes you now as he always has. You are each other. I wish that I had a "Gay" in my life, that is what I fear and dread the most. Not having someone like you. Please know how special you are and how strong.

    may the music go on forever. Even here, hundreds of miles from you, I can hear the music box as it plays for us all in our time of need. But for you it plays especially.


  2. Sorry I forgot to sign in so the above post is from me.

    Again thank you all for letting me get rid of some of my feelings and for offering me your help and experiences.

  3. First thank you all for posting. I tried to sleep yesterday and kept waking with panic attacks. Ever since the dx, I have felt sick, which may just be in my head, I don't know. Would help if I had a job but the Dr acted like that was out of the question. Still cant tell my daughter. I Have no parents and my brothers and I aren't close--ever since my dad died, it kind of broke up our family. The really bad thing is that I am separated from husband but not legally divorced. The social worker said that he will be responsible for my bills--is that correct? Shouldn't I let him know so he can divorce me? But she said that would be fraud. We lived apart for 5 years. I called a lawyer but have not heard back yet. Does anyone have any info about this?

    Are there other on-line support groups just for Lung cancer? Do you guys ever chat in the chat rooms?

    I am really having a hard time dealing with all my negative thoughts and what I went through last week.

  4. I have just been diagnosed. I had a deep cough last summer when I tried to quit smoking. Then I started smoking again and stopped coughing. Then I had bronchitis that was hard to shake in Oct and Nov. Then I stopped coughing in Dec.. Now they say I have late stage, large tumour in right lung. I don't cough--maybe one or two short dry coughs a day. I don't understand this disease. The Doctor acted like I was lying when I said I dont have a bad cough. SO I cant help you. maybe others know.

  5. Thank you for responding. I am scared out of my mind. The Drs treated me so badly, shaking their heads like I am already dead and blaiming me asif I haven't blamed myself enough or is if I didn't know that cigerettes had something to do with this. I can't even tell my own children because I am afraid my daughter will be so angry with me. I am alone and the Dr keeps asking who my caretaker will be. My daughter is only 25 and lives 800 miles from here. My insurance is an HMO and so I must live in the service area. Is a Cat scan and needle biopsy enough? I don't trust HMOs--swore I would never have one but only thing my former employer offered. I am on COBRA now so this is really bad--can barely afford to pay the premium and am unemployed. I asked about a second opinion--lol--and he smarted off that I didn't have the first opioion yet. ANd making me wait five days for more tests? is that right?

  6. I am newly diagnosed--no stage yet. I am 45 and Dr says it doesn't look good. Can anyone tell me what symptoms I may have if I have mets to the Adrenol gland and blood? Thanks

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