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Posts posted by Annette

  1. Good afternoon everyone, I can't tell you what the weather is like because I stayed in bed today. My stomach was hurting so bad last night - and it was still hurting this morning so I called in sick. When I woke up around 11 I was feeling much much better - relaxed anyway - so I'm thinking it was more stress than anything else.

    I was telling Keith about the handcuffing Marco to Sally idea - and he volunteered to check flight prices. How would he get from the airport to Sally we don't want her on the road. Wouldn't it be just funny if they really did just take care of each other and everything went good after that. Maybe Sally will realize that Eric means business as he starts to travel a bit without her and she sees how happy he can be with her all alone in her chair. My heart goes out to Eric - and I am hoping that every stop on his American trip is nothing but grand fun! I may even go to the train station a day early to pick him up cause I'm just so excited!

    Lilly - hmmm - all that exercise and then a cold - - - there just might be a connection. I hope that you relax and get better, don't overdo. Summer colds are the hard ones.

    I'm off for a while. I think I will take a nap. I have to go to my mom's and feed the cats here in a bit then go and see her - even though I played hookie I have to take her phone to her so she can call us to come and get her Friday. She is set on getting out this weekend even though she had a fall yesterday. She is not even sure what she slipped on and nothing was hurt so she is not changing her mind about coming home. That may be what part of my stress is about.

    Anyway I will try and check back in later,


  2. Heartbreaking to read this - I am so very glad she got to see Nick graduate and I hope he keeps the memories. A hard thing to do at that young age. I never truly know how to express my condolences - I think that everyone here will have some memories of Patti. I hate this disease!


  3. Oh - and I just reread Eric's post on Monday's air where he mentioned that Libby had sent him a pm - - like Eric I am so very relieved that she contacted him (or anyone) - I understand about having "stuff" going on that just makes you want to sigh, sit on the couch and watch stupid tv. But seriously, Libby, if you are reading our posts - there is plenty of room on the virtual couch to join all of us and we would love to have you join us.


  4. I don't have an answer (like Paulette just 2 years out here too) but - I have seen others released by their surgeon. In fact, my surgeon told me since I was seeing an oncologist he would let me go to her. I am freaking out at going to six months after September - but ...

    I would say that the solution is that you go to your primary care physician annually and say - please include a chest xray since I had cancer. They should have no problem with it.


  5. Bud - you made my day - except I remembered how much it cost to send the tree to Eric. 4 or 5 pounds of brochures was $29 - I think Marco weighs about 100 pounds - let me think on that. Boy would that be a fine vacation though.

    Judy - Judy - Judy - I hope your day goes well and that Stan gets the O2 straightened out.

    I didn't get home last night until the Bachelorette was already on so I didn't even turn my computer on. After work we will stop by and see my mom then home to take it easy tonight. I have not heard from Marco's school about the disciplinary board but I have printed all the rules and regulations out and will be ready to argue as necessary - if he maintains until then. I spoke to his Probation Officer today and got permission for him to go on a canoe trip Saturday with the Boys2Men program - sounds like a nice break for me - although I'll have to take him down to the James River and then have to pick him up and somewhere in between that........

    my mom is insisting that she is coming home on Saturday. She is exercised out and ready to come home. I told her just call when the doctor releases you and I'll come pick you up - I will not go shopping for anything that would not be on a diabetic grocery list. (She lives on Cheetoes and Recees Peanut Butter Cups).

    Anyway - some of my stress is gone (see test results!) - not enough really but one day at a time.

    Back to work - or the handcuff store - (still laughing Bud!).


  6. Well I can check that stress off the list. Surprisingly - nothing has changed in my x-ray and the doctor suggested going out to six months. I suggested 3 months and she said okay - So I will get a CT in 3 months and then to the 6 month jump. Seems right to go to September because I actually had my second surgery in August.

    So that's one stress down - and too many others to count.

    Although - my boss called me in first thing this morning and apologized for yesterday. Said that Marco minded his own business - was not a distraction - and he did not see why he had to go immediately - just work on it. Which is all well and good - my mom told us last night that she IS getting out Saturday. (I said are you sure and she said she told them she is leaving and she is leaving. Okay - but I don't buy any stuff that is bad for you at the grocery store. She says she understands and is going to try. - You may not have gotten that but that was hilarious - or we could start a "chocolate" pool to see how and when she manages to get some in the house.

    I'm doing good today - not much stress - but a lot of work - so I'll check back later after someone else opens the air.


  7. Lilly - thank you for your ideas - I have a notebook that I have been writing the really really mean things that I wanted to tell certain people. Tact is not my strong suite and I find that if I write the mean stuff out when I'm talking it doesn't come out as bad - unless you are really on my "not a nice Person" list. That list is about as long as Santa Clauses list of he knows when you've been bad - - but someone keeps writing about Karma on FB and so I am putting my faith in that and trying to be the better person.

    Although I will keep in the back of my head the boyscout site for directions to tie knots. LOL

    I am trying to get some stuff done at work since I have to leave early. My boss told me that I needed to try and make other arrangements for the kid . . . well let me think - the only person the probation officer said that could supervise him was me - and I'm thinking that that limits my possibilities just a touch. We have a meeting with her on the 14th so I'll talk to her about that then. The school administrator finally called me back and said there would be a disciplinary hearing - he doesn't know when but he can assure me that Marco is being expelled for the rest of the year. I can only hope that it doesn't ruin his summer school plans. I don't know if I am coming or going - wait a minute - I am going...going crazy that's it problem solved.


  8. Judy you were getting up as I was trying to get to sleep. Now I am waiting for the kid to get his self presentable so we can go see my mom and go to the grocery store - - no I am not going to buy him strings for his guitar or take it to fix the switch he broke ($450 plug in guitar). Grr. Wow why does he wear a C-Pap? My mom had one of those on in the hospital. (Doesn't the vacuum make a high almost whining noise - it might be fun to run that at the appropriate headache time.)

    Eric - I think you should share some of your good times. I mean I could dress up like a cow girl. I can't sing worth a plug nickel but I could wait on tables or something. I just want to go out and have some fun. Wait a minute I see something in my mind through the smog - July - something about July - something about learning about Virginia history with a friend - and is that a skirt he's wearing - - I must be mixing up my dreams... LOL... Is it July yet?

    Judy (Between KW & Orlando) - I think the hat is just where you are going - you are almost done with the oxygen - getting better. Think about how much your body had to go through over the last weeks - not just the cancer junk - but the family and the stress of going up quickly for one and then the stress of knowing you couldn't go up. Give your mind some time - cause it is fighting two battles right now - and wow - I think I will have to mull this advice over because my mind is working on several things too. We deserve a nap! When we are young - sleep is when we grow - now that we are 29 sleep is when we recharge our batteries to face whatever is thrown at us.

    Judy MI - what's a little surgery - compared to what you have overcome over the last few months with R. Piece of cake!

    Miss Lilly - I hope you got all your errands out of the way if you are expecting storms. I have no idea what the weather is doing (other than hot hot hot). (Did anyone sing that - again - hot hot hot). I know I'm down but I'm trying to drag myself out of this "funk" so I can find something positive - and that is why I come here and read about my friends - and get to smile for a few minutes.

    I'm off - to the store - I may buy myself something useless!


  9. I have let the day slip by - thinking that I would not even post today.

    I was happy to hear from Judy (KW to Orlando) as she was traveling up to Orlando. Hard to believe she is still on the oxygen as good as it was to hear her voice. I was on the way to see my mom - who is still in rehab but doing so very much better. Her O2 stats dropped a little yesterday but she has been exercising several times a day and says that she is still a little wobbly but for the most part better. I am thinking they will keep her another week at least.

    So at least I had one good day. Or was it only 1/2 a day. After having such a good evening with the kid, such good conversations following a trip to his school Thursday to talk to his administrator about the in school suspension he got for "sneezing on a student" - I defended the twerp for 30 minutes and even told the man about the kid that I thought he should watch because he was the one that supplied my nephew with drugs. So the administrator was to call me Friday - after investigating the sneezing incident. When he called me Friday afternoon - and said - I really hate to tell you this - but the kid is being arrested for drinking on school grounds - I said you are kidding - no and I have to ask you to come and get him. The same kid gave him vodka and mountain dew - and he blew a .08 on the breathalyzer - and the other kid did not of course. So crying all the way there - I was shocked that the police officer was writing up a citation for court and they were releasing the kid to me. I said why can't you take him - this is a violation of his probation.

    I had spent the morning finding a program that costs $450 for a male mentor to go with him to NA meetings for a year. I called his substance abuse counselor and she said he still has to graduate Monday and we need to discuss the fact that insurance really only authorized 20 meetings and he has gone to 30. I called his probation officer thinking she would be sending an officer to pick his little behind up for violating probation - nope - see you at our meeting on June 14th and we will see what a judge says at the hearing in July.

    Can someone stop this ride I have obviously overstayed my welcome. And I only read 3 or 4 articles on stress causing cancer. Yep I am looking forward to the xray results on Monday - (which is at the same time I have to have the kid at counseling). Oh - and the probation officer said the kid has to be under my supervision at all times. (In order for my mom to watch him she has to go in and sign something for the probation officer, sigh).

    And he has been so happy and hyper today - I let him go next door to get his guitar. He came in my room and said he was going to take a shower (? - aliens invaded his body?) - so 20 minutes later I went out - shower still going - his bedroom door locked, I pick the lock and there he sits - on the computer for which I have the power cord in my room - and the water is running in the bathtub. Sigh - at least his drug of choice was youtube instead of smoking something.

    I apologize for writing so much - I talked to my friend in Texas for 5 hours last night on the phone - about nothing - I finally fell asleep as the sun came up - but I needed to not think about anything for a while.

    I hope everyone is having a much better weekend than I am.


  10. Teresa,

    What an awful way to find out - and how sad that you have to be welcomed back to the site. Of course, I am not by any means an expert but I can share my thoughts based on your description. (I would also suggest that you ask the same thing over at cancergrace.org where an oncologist will respond from their perspective.)

    You said the nodule was only 1 cm - which to me is relatively small. Although the pathology was positive for cancer you did not indicate if the "margins" were clear. If the surgeon cut the nodule out and included in the cut sufficient lung around the tumor then I think this might be considered something like a wedge. So I would think that the wait and see would be sound advice. If they got it all after your mom has healed and is rescanned nothing will show - if they didn't then they might consider going in again and your mom will know what to expect from the Vats surgery perspective (which I had done twice - so I agree with your mom - ouch!).

    You have been there as a caregiver with your dad and it sounds like you know all the right things to be aware of - and you can always ask here. I'm sure others will weigh in on your question - in the mean time - I will keep you and your mom in my thoughts and prayers.


  11. Kimberly,

    I'm so sorry that you have to check back in with this news - Like Eric I'm constantly concerned about hearing it again. I hope for the strength your mom had upon hearing it. And I will keep the two of you in my thoughts and prayers as she wins the battle again.


  12. Ok - where is everyone - this is a special day - it's Friday.

    I know we have to make it through the day and truly I really do intend to work but there are several things that I need to do first. I have to call and see if I can break my mom out of rehab to go to the nephews intensive substance abuse counseling graduation Monday. I have to make sure I know exactly how long it will take me to get to the train station to pick Eric up on time in July - - I may even practice that one.

    I went out to dinner with a friend and we had just finished eating and were getting ready to leave and Eric called. Yep that's right I got to talk to Eric. (He said I had an accent - which is really very funny because I thought he had an accent too.)

    As always - I am in a rush at work to get busy - - I think I may be feeling a headache coming on about lunch time - yes I'm even a little pale - now where did I leave that beach towel - I mean I may need to lie down (no sense staying inside when I can do it on the lounge chair at the apartment - right).


  13. Pure poetry. I reread this post several times. Even realizing that some of my issues, behaviors and thoughts were stress related made me feel good for a moment.

    Now all I need to do is find avenues that I can take to honestly reduce the stress and still accomplish the things that are necessary to sustain the people that are relying on me. I think that the forthrightness of your post might make some people realize that at some point continuing to allow those in your care to put straws on the camels back will eventually break that back.

    Thank you Judy for a very thought provoking post.


  14. Wonderful news - - makes the day brighter to get that kind of phone call - - good thing there are cordless phones or you might have been tangled up after doing the happy dance.



  15. Hi Alan -

    My sister died in Sept 2003 of Hep C - she was in and out of jail for many years - all drug related incidents. So that is why my mom got guardianship of him. He went and stayed with his dad for several months when he was 6 I think - until his dad sent him back to visit us - and then said Marco had to stay cause he had to go to jail - also drug related. So this behavior is not totally unexpected it's just that background - plus being male - plus being a teenager - he just doesn't have a thing going for him right now.

    Now - let me see ..... www.boyscouts.com

  16. Good morning all, another hot and muggy day here in Richmond - I believe they are calling for showers later - I could certainly do without that.

    I am still totally exhausted - these weeks are hard on me with no back up for the kid and he is very aware I'm at the end of my rope. It's like a tiger stalking it's pray - he knows when I'm about to blow up and he just pops off some randomly stupid funny joke that makes me laugh so hard I forget that I was ready to research special knot tying techniques..... how do you make that noose thingy and where would I put it and how exactly am I gonna trick that boy into using it. I may have a few unanswered questions but the plotting puts a smile on my face.

    My mom is still in rehab - she said something about doing "reaching" up exercises - I want her to be doing get off your butt and walk exercises. I have removed all food from her house that is not on a recommended diabetic's eating list. (She will not be pleased - but come on - how different can a rice cake be from a recees peanut butter cup - they must be close right.) LOL - as I reach for a Dove chocolate. And truly I'm not eating them for me - my cat loves to steal the little rolled up pieces of tin foil and play with them. (I hope no one remembers that I am at work right now - so the cat playing with the wrappers is really not relevant.)

    That rots about the parking ticket Eric - and I sent you a PM with my phone numbers so I'll talk to you soon.

    Lilly, I hope you get your shopping done before the storms hit. The weather on this coast has been pretty unpredictable too. I hope you don't have to keep your car on ice for long - something good is bound to happen for all of us!

    Bud - check up - LOL - I hope the tread on your tires meets inspection - there was more but I was laughing too hard and I didn't want anyone to spit their coffee out while reading the Air.

    Judy - (KW) - where are you. I hope that you are feeling better - when is the trip up happening?

    Looks like even though I am tired and waiting for xray results (Monday afternoon) I still have a little bit of humor popping up - I may be feeling better - oh wait - I'm at work - this rots - I better run and turn a little work on - check back in a while.


  17. I was thinking - that something has flipped - Lillian I think I can speak for most Virginians....if you would be so kind as to take let's say 10 degrees - it would be perfect walking temperature for you and perfect breathing temperature for us.

    Now how can we do this - there just has to be a way.


  18. It's a good thing some of us feel better while the others are being bashed about on the rocky road. I was feeling pretty darn good this beautiful (but hot) morning. I dragged the kid with me to go get the 3 month xray (results on Monday). Then dropped him off at school (yes a little early but tough - get a book - read - relax). Then my neighbor calls and says she saw him walking out the back of the school by the buses. Sigh. I called him and he told me he was in class and had to go - nope I say - I know you were out by the forest 2 minutes ago - gotta go my phone is almost dead. So we will have another head bashing ceremony tonight it looks like. Of course, he forgets that I have to call the school about his lost computer - wow is that an interesting... story...(lie)....

    Right after he stole and totaled my mom's car last November he skipped school for a week. Turns out he had "hidden" his bookbag in the woods beside our apartments. Of course the next week when he went to retrieve said bookbag the computer was totally demolished. He reported it stolen to the school - and the Administrator was going to replace it as soon as possible - still hasn't been replaced. I am not fond of the Administrator.

    Here's a "good" story for you. Keith's ex-Mother-in-Law has tested fate twice in the last few months. Several months ago they said "you have lung cancer" - did the bronchoscopy, no cancer - said let's wait and see. The "cancer" has grown 20%. (One doctor says it's an infection and one says its a tumor.) So yesterday she went under the knife - they actually went in by the esophagus and pulled the tumor out - it was not cancer. Lucky lucky lady.

    We have turned the page on another month - and the next time we do Eric will almost be in America. I am more excited every day (partly cause he is coming and partly cause I'm taking of work to have some fun)! Eric - Texas is a huge state - truckers hate to drive across it on Interstate 10 because it feels like you will never get from one side to the other. I grew up near San Antonio in New Braunfels - what used to be a little German town is now a booming tourist trap (at least when the rain keeps the rivers running). I talked to my best friend from 3rd grade the other night for 3 hours remembering silly stuff - Sometimes I miss "home."

    Well this girl better get busy - it is already 9 a.m. and not a lick of work done yet.

    I'll check back in later


  19. Judy - you have gone through about enough lately - my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family everyday. Please know that I am always here if you need a shoulder to lean on or a ear to listen.



  20. It was 93 degrees when I finally got us out the door to go visit mom. I spent all of 5 minutes in the room with her before she said something nasty and out I walked and told nephew to come in 15 minutes. So he and this large woman come up to me and she says she is the social worker and my mom wants to be released so we need to have a meeting regarding aftercare. I am still so angry with her that I said well lets see I work tomorrow then have to take him to and from counseling, I work Wednesday, I work Thursday and have to take him to counseling and I work Friday and one of those mornings I have to work in an x-ray - so you just go ahead and have a meeting with that mean old witch and have her call and leave a message when I have to work in picking up her mean self.

    I am having a peaceful moment since the neighbor and her family are out at the pool I let the nephew go - that should tire him out.

    No barbecue for me but I'm putting some stuffed pork chops in the oven. I need a vacation.


  21. Nylons - poor Judy - I am sitting at my desk in a tee shirt and blue jeans! I don't even own a dress anymore - but I can see myself out by the pool in shorts later. Yep that's a good place to be. I found a new think at walmart that I am itching to try it's a daiquiri in a tube - yummm.

    It has been a very long couple of weeks for me - I'm not ready to address the Keith issue just yet. But I'm guessing if you know the details of my family right now you can figure it out.

    My mom and I have a really good love / hate relationship. She acts terrible when she stops taking her medications. I have turned over a new leaf - when she starts being rude to me - I walk away - she may not be trainable but I don't have to hear it.

    After we left her at the rehab facility I ran up to the hospital to try and get her clothes. Imagine my surprise when the her last name tag was still on the door - I thought cool they haven't even cleaned it up - -- wrong - there was a nice little lady in there that I begged to let me look in her closet - the clothes were gone but she was still so sweet. We went up the the nurses station and eventually got the clothes. When we walked by the room I wished her the best of luck and she had the sweetest smile - I was wondering if I could trade models - (well they had the same last name).

    Oh - the first thing I thought when Judy mentioned that she may get to lose the oxygen after her appointment next week - was - no more Judy in KW - it can be Judy (No Strings Attached). Smile, laugh, giggle!!!

    Anyway - I have some work to do before an afternoon conference call - but my brain is chanting... Friday, Friday, Friday!!!

  22. Pneumonia not good - but losing your cords will be great - now you know you will feel better soon! My mom was moved to a rehab facility and I am not impressed. When we walked in the receptionist was on the phone - finally hung up and we asked what her room number was - she whispered her reply - something in the central wing. Okay - will someone else show us where that is, no response, then "sign that book behind you" - I did not know that behind you meant around the corner - there is a map on the wall of the place - found room on own. There was a constant beep..beep..beep..beep - turns out when patients ring their call bell it rings that loud - day and night - and there are only 3 workers for over 36 patients - lovely.

    Best part of the visit was the rotten little teenager and mom get to talking and the next thing I know I caused her heart attack. I just got up and left - I'm pretty much at the end of the rope. But that's okay - she called this morning at 7:15 to tell me to bring her another pair of glasses because the ones I brought her keep falling off. Oh - looky here duct tape.

    And I haven't even left for work yet - sigh.

    Dawn - it is so very very nice to see you in the air - what a good Friday surprise.


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