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Posts posted by NellW

  1. All went very well. Bob came to a stepdown from ICU room, was already off the vent. and was joking in a very sedated fashion. YEEE HAAA!! He was saying " I want coffee" :lol: Doc said he did a segmentectomy on lower right lobe and took out the tumor, and also several nodes, one of which is positive for sure so of course we are waiting on the path. report. Can anyone tell me when to expect that. We are so very grateful for all your prayers and thoughts. MJ the daughter says thanks for the sweet invitation Norme. She will be here for probably a month depending on how her Dad does. It has been a good day all in all. His lungs are in rough shape what with the emphysema but so far so good. More later when we know a bit more.


  2. Hi Friends.

    We are packing to go to Ann Arbor tomorrow evening and check in at the Residence Inn there to stay with Bobs wife Jo and his daughter MJ . The surgery will be early Friday morning and will be a segmentectomy of lower right lobe and also removing a section of upper lobe that has lot of the emphysema, and several lymph removed as well. It will be a long day and we surely hope for and count on your prayers! I will post if I can from the hotel on Friday night to update you. Thank you so much for being here for us. By the way Norme.. that is Eden park. MJ lives in Cin. and we were all visiting her when that picture was taken. Lovely park.

    Hugs and prayers to all.

  3. Thanks for all your responses. Bob and his wife Jo are headed for Ann Arbor to the hospital again this afternoon for the rest of the tests. Before they go they see the Card. for his results as well. Will talk to them tomorrow night and try to encourage them that they are supported by love and prayer and that my new friends here say he has good chances.

    Praying for a good day in every way for all of you!

  4. He says there was a message on his answering machine saying they added a new test for Fri. when he is getting some sort of a specialized additional CT scan to check the degree of emphsyema he has. The added test is some sort of Nuclear Med. test as well that he thinks contains the letters QV. Hmmm. Can anyone think of what this could be or what could be the reason for it. He is feeling like he just wants to not do another thing. Wants to just forget it.


  5. Think he is getting a clearer picture of the fact that he is not going to be racing around for quite some time. Shared some of all of your comments with him. They have an appt. with the PA for the surgeon on Monday to discuss what he can expect with the surgery itself and also the discharge condition he will be in. He had a long day of cardio tests today and is feeling like he wants to say "just forget it, it's to exhausting to do all this" but his wife is saying she wants him to go forward with the plan.

    Thanks for all your comments and prayer. Will let you know how things are going.

  6. Post is titled "friend of Bob.." Sometimes I can't think straight. We are going to Bob and his wife Jo's tonight to listen to the audio tape of the surgeons visit last Thursday tonight. Thanks again.

  7. Good to hear from you! I am new also, and my first post is a couple of posts down and titled "new with??". It tells what we are going through with a dear friend. Can you tell me how your recovery from surgery went? If you read my post you will know what sorts of things we are wondering about. My friend is nsclc stage 2b with lymph involvement.

    Thank you so much.

  8. I am so thankful there is a place like this to come and say the things that are concerning me.

    One of our dearest friends (more like a brother) is having surgery on March 26 for Squamous Cell Stage 2 lung cancer. Originally the pul. doc and their fam. doc said he was not eligible for surgery due to his health situation. He was a smoker for 50 yrs., quit yrs. ago, has emphysema and asthma. Has been on ox. as needed for a couple of years but now is on it 24/7. He is 76 yrs. old. They plan to remove a segment of his lower right lobe and also if possible the top of same if emph. is localized. He has one lymph involved according to pt scan, and when he saw the surgeon on Thurs. he was told the pt scan also showed a "hot spot" in the thyroid. They tell him that is most likely not malignant but if it is, (biopsy was done thurs.) it will be taken care of on 26th also. The thing that I am most worried about is that now he is being told "we can bring you through the surgery just fine" when he was told he would def. not be a surgery candidate at first. Also he was originally told he would not be able to use the room in his house he would really like to recover in, since it is 6 steps down. His family doc said he would need a hospital bed on the ground floor for a bit, and ordered one. The surgeon said he would not need that and could go down the 6 steps. There is no rest room on that floor so he would need to go up and down several times a day. Anyone have any thoughts or info you can share with us? We are just not sure how to prepare. This of course is all new to us. Thank you so very much for listening.

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