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Everything posted by karenwentzel

  1. Hi Dave, I'm a fellow Hoosier who now lives in AZ. I have driven through Goshen several times. I too have SCLC. Would love to hear how you are doing. Karen
  2. Hi Helen, This does sound like great news! Especially the curable part! What is the date of your next treatment/chemo? My round 2 will start on March 28th. I hope to be hearing only good news with your treatments! Karen
  3. Hi Jerry, Nice to meet you. Sorry that you are here too but this seems to be a really nice place to find some sanity in this otherwise crazy trip through cancer. Here's to a long time of knowing each other! Karen
  4. My diagnosis is SCLC, extensive due to all the mets. My chemo regime includes Cistplatin and VP 16. My 2nd treatment will begin March 28th. I am an RN. I work at Mayo Clinic as a kidney transplant nurse coordinator. I love my job but wonder if or when I can return. I am 46 years old with 3 children ages 25, 11, and 10. The youngest 2 are still at home. I am single but my ex lives close and has really been a great help. I am going to fight this for me and my kids. Karen
  5. I had an upper respiratory infection in early February, 2011. Over the last 1.5 years, my allergies and asthma have gotten worse. When I finally went to my primary care office in late February, she restarted more allergy meds. I did complain at that time of a clicking sound at end inspiration. It was a mystery to her as it was to me. She set me up to see her in follow up on March 2nd. I ended up needing a steroid 'burst' to get my asthma in check. I finished the steroids on Sunday, February 27th, and by that night, my lower back, bilateral hips, and bilateral knees were killing me! I tried ice, heat, icy hot, advil, nothing would take this pain away. I went in on that Wednesday, March 2nd, and told the PCP about this extreme pain I was in. She thought it was something that had gone systemic and recommended xrays then follow up with somone in the rheumatology department. Just as an after thought,I told her that my breathing still wasn't quite right. She decided to get a chest xray. Before I could drive from the PCP office to my office, she called me and told me my right upper lobe was collapsed and I needed a CT scan of the chest. I complettd this as soon as I got to my office on the hospital campus. I sat at my desk looking at my other images that had been completed earlier. Back, hips, and knees just showed degenerative changes. I thought, I'm 46, okay I have arthritis. Within an hour my PCP called asking me to come back to her offie to discuss the CT scan. I refreshd my screen and my CT report was there in front of me. I went into shock at that point and have not returned to normal since. The CT showed a large right hilar mass consistent with malignancy with multiple lytic lesions suggestive of extensive mets. I was directly admitted my the hospital then sent for MRI brain and CT abdomen pelvis. It would seem that I have lots of little “sparkles” that lit up over my entire chest and brain. I have spots on my liver and kidneys and right femur. HOW DID THIS HAPPEN SO QUICKLY?! I had my first round of chemo that weekend. My life has turned into BC (before cancer) and AD (after diagnosis). I still am trying to figure out what the heck has just happened to me? Not sure how long this stage takes to sink in what is going on. That’s my story so far. I hope to be writing updates for a long, long time! Karen
  6. Well, I had written a reply but it seems to have been lost! I am very happy to meet you all! You all are my glimmer of hope in an otherwise dark time. Last night started losing my hair. I do have a wig, but think I should invest in some nice silk scarves. This AZ heat will probably not feel good with a wig on. I started journaling today. I had to get some of these thoughts, feelings, etc out. I am exhausted now. I look forward to getting to know you all for a LONG time! Karen
  7. Hi ginnyde, I cannot tell you how thankful I am to have been directed to this site!!! I was looking online for a glimmer of hope....there wasn't any to be found until here! I am so thankful!!! Karen
  8. Hello to you all, Man, sure wish I didn't need to be here. How fast our lives can be changed! I was just diagonosed with extensive small cell lung cancer on 3/2/2011. Completed my first round of chemo on 3/5/2011. I am now out of the hospital and at home wondering "what the heck just happened to me?" I wish you all well in our journey(s) through this terrible thing called cancer. Karen
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