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Posts posted by DollyPardonMe

  1. Go David that's exactly what my husband did the minute he noticed some of his hair coming out. It was approximately 2 weeks after his 1st treatment. He asked me if I would run the clippers over his hair and cut it all off. I most certainly did & I agree it's just another thing you won't have to go through when fighting this terrible disease (plus he said he never had a bad hair day :lol: ).

  2. I pray for all young men and women sent the Iraq. My niece's husband will be sent there in August. They have 3 children the youngest has special needs. It will be tough on my niece to raise the 3 children herself and we will all pray everynight for his and all the men and women's safety.

  3. Welcome and I agree this is a wonderful place to be able to come with your questions and get answers from someone who has gone through the same thing you or your loved one has. I thank God each and every day for this board and the wonderful people here. Please keep us posted.

  4. Sounds like he had a wonderful birthday with all his loved ones. I think that was more important for him than starting the chemo a few days sooner. May God bless both of you and your entire family. I will keep the good thoughts that the chemo does shrink his tumors. I will keep both of you in my prayers.

  5. Welcome although I have only been on this board a short time I have learned a lot. The members are so helpful when you have a question. I thank God every day for this board and I hope you will too. I also participated in the chat last night. I will be trying to do that at least once a week too.

  6. This weekend my husband really broke out with the "Iressa rash". Although he says it looks worse than it feels he is wondering if this will not be as noticeable after a period of time (he is very red)? He is broken out on head, face, neck and down to about mid-chest area. I'm also wondering if after pimples dry up will he be left with dry skin or will the pimples just keep coming? I'm telling you folks this rash is nothing compared to the chemo treatments he has taken. He is really not complaining (bless his heart) but more or less just curious. I would like to thank everyone in advance for the time and effort you spend answering our questions.

  7. Ginny I'm so sorry to hear this. I would like to say a few words about hospice. My mother had colon cancer over 15 years ago. They were a godsend. They came to the house and checked up on her. Helped Dad with things he couldn't do himself for her. She ended up spending the last 2 weeks in the Hospice wing of our local hospital. In her room was a hide-a-bed that pulled out and a recliner so my Dad was able to spend the entire time with her there at the hospital until she passed. I can't speak highly enough about this organization. May God bless your entire family.

  8. In 1971 I bought a brand spanking new light blue mustang. I loved that car. I hope you have a ball driving your "new toy". :D Be sure to wear your shades 8) so you look extra cool while driving it.

  9. My husband started taking Iressa on July 1. Last night I noticed has face was red and blotchy looking. Today he has pimples on his face and is still red and blotchy. He also said he has the same thing on his chest. We are assuming is this the "Iressa Rash" one of the side effects of the drug. Has anyone gone through this same thing? Is there anything the Dr. can prescribe for this or does he just have to tough it out? Anything over the counter to relieve the redness/itching sort of? Any replies would be appreciated.

  10. I was just wondering, My husband has taken Iressa for 4 days now and he has not had any side effects. Is this normal. Will the side effects take a while to show up? I just worry that perhaps it's not working. I know it's very early but I worry so about him. This board is a godsend. Finally a place to go and get answers from people who have been through this and can understand our concerns. I would like to thank each and everyone of you for taking the time to answer our questions. May God bless each and every one of you.

  11. Welcome and glad you are sharing your experiences with us. Many of the people on this board have been through the same scenarios as your mother and hopefully some of us can help and guide you through this. I will keep both you and your mother in my thoughts and prayers.

  12. Well husband took 1st pill at 6 am this morning and no side effects as of yet -- hopefully this will last. He is already fatigued from the chemo treatments he has taken the past year. He is hoping Iressa will not be as hard on him as the other chemo treatments were. Hopefully your Mother will feel better soon.

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