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Posts posted by 3boys4amy

  1. Does the size of the tumor mean too much? Dad's tumor was rather large according to the doctor - 5.7x6.3 cm. All I can find on the net refers to tumors of 3 cm or less. It looks to my layman's eye that this tumor has been growing for some time to be that large. Any ideas? And also, thanks so much for the warm welcome. You have been so kind to me. I only hope I can return this kindness and support when I am ready.

  2. I posted an introduction in the Welcome section, but thought I would here too. I am Amy, daughter of Harold, just diagnosed. I am still unsure of the type of cancer he has, but the tumor is rather large right now. He has symptoms of lung cancer and has had them for a couple years now. He has chronic cough with chest pain. I am angry! I am angry at the doctors for not doing an x-ray all this time when he was coming in for all his coughing!! They knew he was higher risk because of all his smoking. I think it could have been caught earlier. The tumor is 5.7x6.3 cm and is at the center of his right lung, right at the opening of his bronchial tubes. The doctor thinks it is in the tubes, and possibly his lymph nodes. SHe said she thought she felt swelling in his lymph nodes last week. He still has a lot of testing to go through. Like I mentioned in another post, he lives about 800 miles away and I am scared to death of him going through this without me. How do you handle it? HOw do I talk to him about it? I know I need to be frank with him, but how? I don't want to cause any unneeded stress, but I know he will need to get things out in the open about how he feels and what he is going through. What can I expect?

  3. Hi Kate. Like you, my father was just diagnosed. I am still so scared and tired and just don't know how to handle this. I have epilepsy, and have had at least 5 seizures today alone. I have the smaller ones, so having that many isn't that big a deal. I worry about my health and if I will be able to care for dad the way he needs cared for. I live in Florida with my husband and children and have my own life now. He lives in West Virginia and has no one, except his girlfriend. He has several friends who can help out, but no family. I know that God will help me through this. And I know that God can help you too. I will pray for your SO and for you. Please rest assured that God doesn't give us more than we can handle, although sometimes we don't see it that way. Best of luck to you.

  4. Hi everyone. I am Amy, a stay at home mother to three wonderful boys and wife to Jeff who is in the Navy. We live in Florida. My dad, who lives in West Virginia, had his bronchoscopy today. The tumor is malignant. That is about all I know. It is a 5.7 x 6.3 cm tumor. Can anyone tell me what that means? Also, it is centrally located in his right lung at the entrance from the bronchial tubes. The doctor thinks it might be inside the tubes as well. She thought she felt swelling in his lymph nodes last week on examination. He is 59 years old, ex smoker. Smoked 40 years at at least 1 1/2 packs a day, sometimes more. He also has black lung from working in the coal mines. I know there will be many tests to come. What is the general order of things once a definite diagnosis is made? I am still unsure of the type of LC it is though. Thanks for any info you can give me. I am scared and worried. I live so far away from him and I can't bare to see him go through this alone.

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