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Posts posted by Kaffie

  1. My parents were soul mates, married 52 years when my father passed away.

    In time my mother had to admit to being a single person but she has never had the urge to do anything as far as dating.

    Her motto is....I've had the best, why would I want the rest?

  2. Peggy,

    What a pleasant surprise to see you post.

    I can't believe it was two years ago that I read that heartbreaking post of your husbands passing.

    I'm sorry for your son and your illnesses, praying they are all temporary and will be gone soon!



  3. Sounds like you're doing well and are ready to face what ever comes your way.

    No one should feel bad for seeking help, Ive been in and out of therapy for a few years now and I have to say it helped me a great deal.

    Good luck to you and as far as the teen years? I raised three boys, need I say more? :shock:

    They range in age from 22 to 34 and are the light of my life :)

  4. I haven't had any of your symptoms but will definitely do some praying that it is NOT that crud we all know and hate so much...

    I do understand the need to pull away due to the sad nature of the pots at times, I've done it a few times for that very reason.

    Good luck and let us know as soon as possible!

  5. I think my circumstances might be somewhat different.

    I was married when diagnosed and my husband was NOT nice to me, no need for details.

    Right after chemo I divorced him and have been happily on my own for three years. So, in an awful way that I am afraid is all too common I did lose a husband.

    Now that I am settled into my new home and am cancer free (knock on wood!!) I would love to meet someone to share my later years with.

    Larry, go for it, you only have one life and if you let this one get away you may never get another chance. You obviously were not meant to be alone so you shouldn't have to be :)

  6. Yup, forgot about those scary hot spots, Connie.

    I did have a PET scan show a hot spot that turned out to be arthritis in my lower spine.

    I also know that insurance companies have to OK the test and that depends on which insurance company you have.

    A few years ago there was a news story about the doctors not ordering them and getting kick backs from some insurance companies because it saved big money but I think most of that activity is rare now days

  7. By now you know the wigs are adjustable, she can tighten to a little uncomfortable level when going out in the wind? Plus the two way tape of course. I don't know, it's always hard and all women have their own feelings about how the need to look to feel comfortable.

    Definitely bring those scarves, your mother will probably notice a lot of women wearing them on a windy ship deck

    It was very hard for me to lose my eye brows and lashes, I've never left the house without my eye make up so was very upset not to wear mascara. Kind of weird, I know... :?

    They will be falling out any time and will take longer to come back. Mine never did come in as full or long but that could be age related since they thin out in middle age any way.

    She can buy an eyebrow pencil and pencil them in, it's better than nothing.

    On a positive note, I shave my legs every two weeks compared to every day prior to chemo :)

  8. I had no problems when my hair fell out..

    As far as the wig, I bought a nice one and

    didn't even wear it once, too hot and uncomfortable so

    I went out and got scarves and hats, when it was about an inch long again I just went without, I see more and more women doing that now days

  9. Looks like you done our Cindi proud! 8)

    I'm all in favor of Connie's pic up on that wall with Katie and Ricks, not only is she a long term survivor and source of inspiration to so many of us, she's been a major part of the rock that keeps this site active :D

    You did the renovations, I dont think most of us will mind making our own drinks

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