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I hope we're not getting too serious?

David P

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Is anyone else going to miss the "Just for Laughs" forum as much as me?

I've been pretty busy lately, but when I signed on tonight, I scrolled up and down a few times before I audibly cried, " Nooooo!", as I realized it's gone. I'm really going to miss Don's witty one liners, along with all the other funny stuff that never failed to make me laugh - especially when things weren't going so well. Hey! Did you hear the one about... na, never mind...

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I'm with you, Dave. I don't know how many times I've read posts in the Just for Laughs forum and at least one person responds with a "thank you for the laugh, I really needed that" reply (I've felt that way many times myself). It was a way that, if a person needed it, you could look for something to "take the edge off". And if you weren't in the mood or need for it, you just didn't go there. I wouldn't feel comfortable relaying a funny experience in the General forum because it might offend someone who is just not having a good moment. I'll miss JudyBs' "for women only" posts-but I don't think my husband will :wink: . Take care, Deb

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