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First Radiation Onc appt.


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Hey eveveryone,

Missed you guys. So glad that the board is back up! I had my first rad onc appt.. Of course he gave me the grim statistics, only this time 15% for a five year survival rate. That really seemed to "make my day!" Tomorrow I will go for another CAT scan for treatment purposes and not diagnostic. But, the doc did kind of freak me out a little today. He said that there was something in my neck on the PET scan, but that it wasn't enough to be considered cancer? What....yet you mean? Anyone have this experience or know what could cause this? I tell you, it is starting to make me a little paranoid. I still won't begin actual rad till next Wed., and that is if the doc can coordinate treatment with the chemo onc (who of course will be out of town until July 1st!) Treatment goal is still surgery. It has been past 6 weeks since first diagnosis!

On a positive note, Jack got me a new Pom puppy! That makes 4 dogs and 2 horses! I guess I will have to live to take care of all these critters! God Bless you all.


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