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Good News - for now


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Hi Everyone,

Received my latest brain scan results and it showed NED. Naturally I

was elated and incredibly relieved. I still have 2 more "doses" of chemo and one is 2 days before Thanksgiving so I'm gonna have the metal turkey taste - yuck. I don't think many people believed the Campstar and Taxol would breach the blood/brain barrier but evidently it's working in close to 30% of patients with brain mets from lung cancer.

My 2nd opinion oncologist would have had me on WBR immediately upon finding the mets - my main onc insisted on chemo before resorting to any brain radiation. Two different schools of thought from two top onc's.

I am very happy but it's a "cautious" happy - I don't ever want my feet knocked out from under me like I did the last time I had NED that lasted all of 6 weeks. So I shall take each day as it comes and rejoice in the fact that God has seen fit for me to still be here almost one year after my dire initial diagnosis.

I wish all of you a safe and Happy Thanksgiving. I know that it can be difficult to find joy in a holiday when you or a loved one are expending all your time and energy fighting "the beast". But I do think we should take a little time out and count our blessings. There are probably many more than we realize.

BEST WISHES, ONE AND ALL - and God bless you!

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Shar...this is fabulous news. I'm so happy to read it!! :D It's wonderful to "hear" the optimism in your comments....and the humor (metal turkey taste? :roll::D )

Happy Thanksgiving to you, too and I'm so delighted that you'll have the added blessing of NED to count this year. Enjoy!

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