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My scan results-mixed bag-BIG OVARIES!


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Ok, got my scans back and chest is great and no other mets anywhere, but......

PET lights up like an xmas tree on my ovaries. SUV numbers were even higher than my original lung tumors. So I am not sure if I am NED.

Been around the world of tests all week. No answers. All Docs say they have never seen sclc met to the ovaries-EVER. One docs wants it all taken out anyway just for fun.

FYI, I learned that sclc can start as a primary in the gyn tract. It not from smoking w/ its there, but I didn't know it was found in other places not as a met.

I have chose the lets wait and see for 6 weeks and rescan approach. Considered a reasonable choice.

Has anyone had their ovaries light up the PET? My ovaries have a few cycts and have doubled in size since 11/04.



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Jen i know this does not answer your question but a friend of mine's wife was recently dx'ed with Ovarian cancer that had metastasised to her lung's.. And from what i've heard that is very uncommon but i have no fact's to prove that.....Larry

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Jen, the docs just don't know everything. they are humans and make plenty of mistakes like the rest of us. I just don't want them to make their mistakes on me!! Hang in there girl. YOu are doing well to have the NED in your lung. Thanks so much for your positive out look. What are the pros and cons of keeping your ovaries? You might want to consider your answers to that. there has never been a primary tumor diagnosis for me but the colon and ovary tumor makers were high for a while, now to normal. Where did the lung cancer come from? Don't think we will ever really know. You may never know also. I love your family pic. I have four children, 21 to 26 in ages. You make me think of us but your kids are younger. God is very gracious to us and we are saying all the good news is from Him working in my body. will be praying for you. Keep the positive outlook. pammie

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