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Erlotinib (Clinical Trial)


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Hello all, I'm new here and recently posted my intro on the intro board.

My mom has been diagnosed with NSCLC, squamous cell, stage IV and it has spread to the lymph nodes and lower back/bones.

My mom is very interested in clinical trials and will soon be starting the clinical trial for Erlotinib (trade name Tarceva, OSI-744). It's a phase II trial.

I was wondering if anyone has been involved in this or has any information on it.



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Hi Beth,

There is so much information on this site about Tarceva. (And online too)

This new option is very near and dear to me right now. My Mom has been taking it for two months and it has been a godsend for her. She is responding to it and feeling great. It has given her back the quality of life she knew before cancer. I will pray that it will do the same for you mother as well.

Good luck!!!!

Please keep us updated!!!


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