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Need your prayers!


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Dear Jamie,

What a difficult time, am so sad to hear.

Good news about your father's polyps not being cancerous. Let us know when his surgery is and how it goes.

And your mom, wow.....how utterly impossible.

How is she doing? and her prognosis?

As for venting, I do not think there is a better place to share the enormity of life. the support here is so grounded, it seems awesome at times.

I know without this family, I would not have a clue how to cope.

When I was first diagnosed with Cancer of Unknown Primary I felt I had been transplanted to another planet, there is not a support group like this.

So, am sending numerous prayers your way.

take care


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Hey everyone--

I wanted to let you know that my dad ended up having a small portion of his colon removed. The doc said he was growing a polyp farm in there. He made it through the surgery fine. As far as it being cancerous, they won't know until they biopsy the tissue removed. Please keep the prayers coming. I know how well they work.

My mom is meeting with an endocrinologist next week to determine if surgery is an option. They found five nodules on her thyroid.(possibly goiters)

Thanks everyone and GOD BLESS!!!


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Have been thinking about you often. I am hoping you get ALL good news and life can get back to wahtever normal is when cancer is involved.

You have been dealing with way too much right now. You certainly deserve a reprieve. Will continue praying for one.



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