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Gastric Problems


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Happiest of Holidays to one and all.

Good news is that last week's x-ray shows no change in tumor.

Bad news is nasty abdominal discomfort/pain--rib cage to groin especially on right (tumor) side. The oncologist says it's probably diverticulosis/itis.

I had a colonoscopy two years ago--removed +/- 12 polyps--all benign. I am overdue for a repeat of that lovely procedure.

Has anyone here experienced a linkage from lc to colorectal problems including cancer?

What news?

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Hey bcbc,

Glad to hear the GOOD news....sorry about the pain. I am experiencing some lower right side abdominal pain myself. But I just had a colonoscopy in October and there were NO polyps or anything, so I just don't know what to say!

DH has some diverticulosis or itis. I forget which. They are really 2 different things as was explained. But I forget. CHEMO brain I have too :roll: !

Good to hear from you. Happy New Year to you!


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Hello bcbc,

Diverticulosis are puches in the colon when they

get inflamed it is diverticulitis.

Diet has a lot to do with brigning pain

without inflammation.

Never yet heard of a link between diverticulosis

to lc.

Have a Happy 2006, and come around more often.


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Thanks for the feedback.

Yeah--I read the blurb on it in InteliHealth, which brings the word fresh from Harvard Medical School:

http://www.intelihealth.com/IH/ihtIH/WS ... /9840.html

Of course being a cancer patient one wonders about the linkage of each new little or not-so-little pain.

I was struck by the notion that Good Grief--now I'm under siege from both ends. I suspect that if there's anything worse than lung cancer it might be the colorectal variety.

Unfortunately my dietary habits remain as despicable as ever. I love greasy and spicey food. The greasier and spicier the better.

I've managed to quit most of the other self-destructive nonsense. So now I need to graze on alfalfa or whole grain. Eat gruel with prunes.

Another wonder of the "Golden Years." :twisted:


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great to see you bc. I am sorry for your new discomfort, but try not to worry. hopefully you'll get answers and some relief from it.

I am thrilled to hear the good news, too, and that you're taking good care of yourself. and I agree, come around more!!



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