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Good news


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Hi All,

My dad found out today that the cancer has not spread in his bones or brain (so only in his bron. tube and some lymph nodes). They took some bone marrow today and hopefully that will come out negative also. They did his 1st radiation treatment today (everyday for 35 treatments) and will start chemo onTuesday. They are going to do three days of chemo and then 21 day breaks in between. Is this normal or standard? I feel better about everything because my dad says that everyone at the hospital is super nice, open and are going out of their way to accomodate his. My dad told his oncologist that I was going to be coming in a couple of weeks and wanted to talk with him. He said his oncologist said that I can call as much, visit, e-mail or whatever as much as I want with questions about his care. I was worried that people wouldn't treat him well since some people think that people who smoked "was just asking for cancer". It is weird because when I tell people that he has lung cancer, the first thing they say is, "Did he smoke". I find that offensive. Anyways, I just wanted to let people know what's going on who have been e-mailing me with support. You all have been so wonderful. I know it will be a tough battle but it is comforting knowing that their is a network of extended family out their for support. Thanks for listening!


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That is great that the ONC is so welcoming towards you getting info. Take him up on it and get all the knowledge you need. My FIL did 3-4 days of chemo in a row and had that all finished up before doing radiation. However, it seems I have read quite a few posts of folks who have done them simultaneously. I'll be praying that this treatment turns out to be just what he needs to kick the cancer!

I totally know what you mean about the cancer "Did he smoke?" question. Nobody is doing it to be rude. It seems though that it's the most publicized cause of cancer so people's minds are trained to go there from the media barrage. I usually just respond gently with "Yes, he did, but it doesn't mean he deserved cancer or deserves less empathy or prayers than someone with colon or breast cancer. He still is someone's husband, someone's father, someone's grandpa, someone's friend." I usually get a fast apology after that.

Hang in there and keep thinking positive thoughts.

Praying for your family,

Karen M.

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Hi Kathi,

It sounds like he is getting standard "agressive" treatment. It may be hard on him to get the chemo and radiation at the same time, but this is done routinely. I didn't start radiation until around the the 3rd chemo, but thought that they should have done it sooner. I'm so glad everyone is treating him well, it does help to have friendly caregivers that you like and trust. I hope the chemo has few ill effects on him. Be sure he gets plenty to drink, lots of rest, and keeps his nutrition up. I'm wishing the best for him.


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