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Survivors Fears

Connie B

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Two years ago Sunday. That is when I first spit up just a bit of blood. I immediately thought back to my days in elementary school when they taught us the 7 warning signs of cancer. (That was in fourth grade. I was 56 when I spit up the blood) I knew that spitting up blood was one. I called to make a doctors appointment immediately. Since then I have been through an awful lot and am very grateful this Thanksgiving and everyday. I am extremely grateful for this website. You have all been so wonderfully supportive. It took me a long time to be able to read the posts in this forum. I felt the fear of recurrence and just could not bring myself to read about the fears that other survivors had. I recently ran up on the term,, 'hyper-vigilant'. I guess that is what I have been and it is not good. It is being overly vigilant waiting and watching and looking and thinking and suspecting something is wrong (or cancer has returned) ALL OF THE TIME. I cannot tell you how many entire days I have spent in front of the computer looking up different things to see if I was okay, constantly comparing myself to the signatures of others to see how I compared. The good thing was to find out that I was not the only person with this problem and that it is a recognized problem, this hyper-vigilance. I am going to work on removing the hyper but remaining vigilant. I wish us all well and a cure very, very soon.

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Today is Another Great Day to Be Alive!

I promise you with time you won't think, eat, sleep etc., etc., cancer. As time goes on, the cancer does get pushed to the side and even to the back of your mind rather then right up in front. :roll::wink: We only have today and TODAY my Friend your cancer FREE! I'm Thankful you are!

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