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Guava against cancer, high BP


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Guava against cancer, high BP

• Sunday, Sep 10, 2006

Although phytochemical studies identify more than 20 compounds in guava extracts, the main constituents of its leaves are b-sitosterol, maslinic acid, essential oils, triterpeniods and flavourniods.

Seo N et al of the Department of Dematology, Hamamastu University School of Medicine, Japan, in a study entitled ‘Anti-allergic Psidium guajava extracts exert an antitumor effect by inhibition of T regulatory cells and resultant augmentation of Th1 cells” showed how the icnusin of guava extracts blocked IL -10-mediated, in vitro induction of T regulatory (Tr) cells from CD4+ splenocytes of CT5/BL/6 mice, whereas the extracts exerted only a weak or no effect on the development of Th 1 and Th 2 cells.

Accordingly, Tr cells were not induced from splenocytes of mice administered orally with the extracts. Th1 popularisation is one of the mechanisms underlying the therapeutic effects of herbal medicine.

Moreover, the extracts moved the Th1/Th2 balance to a Th1 dominant status by directly attenuating Tr cells activity. In a study of tumor immunity, mice pre-treated with the extracts exhibited retarded growth of S.C. inoculated B/6 melanoma cells.

These findings recently published in Pub/Med suggest that guava extracts are efficacious for the prevention of tumuor growth by depressing Tr cells and subsequently shifting to Th 1 cells.

Dr. Osmand Onyeka, a consultant in National Health, disclosed to The Tide on Sunday that Guava can improve one’s health in three ways, “Guava can improve your heart health by helping to control your blood pressure and cholesterol,” he said. “Guavas ability to lower blood pressure could be the result of potassium. The mineral is an electrolyte that is essential to electrical reaction in your body, including your heart. It also keeps your heartbeat steady, and it assists your kidneys in removing waste from your body,’ continued Onyeka.

In a study, researchers gave guava fruits to people with high blood pressure before meats for 12 weeks. At the finish of the study, average systolic (top number) blood pressured dropped by eight points and diastolic (bottom number) fell by nine points.

Moreover, the study participants’ total cholesterol dropped almost 10 per cent. Experts believe guava cholesterol lowering effect may be connected with its useful soluble fibre content. Soluble fibre softens and forms a gel that binds cholesterol and conveys it out of the body.

Guava against cancer growth high BP

According to Dr. Onyeka, the vitamin found in guava might be a particularly effective antioxant against heart disease. Researches show it raises good HDL cholesterol, and it helps prevent bad LOL cholesterol from becoming oxidized and turning into artery clogging plagues. Vitamin C. can also help keep your small vessels springy and healthy.

Guava is a good source of lycopene. This carotenoid which gives many plant foods their red or pink colouring, may help eradicate cancer, on boost cardiac health. The evidence for lycopenes cancer-protective effect is strongest for prostate cancer, lung cancer and stomach cancer.

Although tomato and tomato-based products are major source of lycopene, yet the guava enjoys much advantage as the Vitamin C component it contains also protects consumers against cancer as against the tomato and tomato-based products are linked with cancer. Further studies suggest that a high consumption of Vitamin C reduces the risk of developing, stomach, colon, breast and long cancers.

A Chinese folklore link guava with the treatment of diabetes for a very long time. Even today, recent survey indicates that it can lower blood sugar, though its effect is not as high as cholorpropamide and metformin, drugs commonly used to lower blood sugar. Nevertheless, it may be a natural way to curb diabetes.

According to Onyeka, the fruit of the guava may be tasty and nutritious, but the leaves have been used as medicine for centuries. Natives of the areas where guava grows use the leaves for digestive problems, particularly diarrhea. They also put the crushed leaves on wound and chew the leaves to relief toothaches. Although most of these folk remedies have little scientific evidence to back them up, one research did prove that there might be some elements of truth to the anti diarrhea effect of guava leaves.

Also, its leaves and barks are decocted by the Tikuna Indians as a cure for diarrhea. This has been used by many tribes through Amazon, in addition to curing dycentary and sore threats, vomiting, stomach upsets, for vertigo, and to regulate menstrual periods.

Tender leaves of guava are chewed for bleeding gum and bad breath, and it is proved to prevent hangover (if chewed before drinking). It is also used by the Indians as a douche for vaginal discharge and to tighten and tone vaginal walls after child birth.

A decoction of the bark and/or leaves or a flower infusion is used for curing wounds, ulcers, skin sores. Flowers are also mashed and applied to painful eye conditions like sun strain, eye injury or conjunctivitis.

Though the guava fruit may be seen simple, yet it medicinal and medical purposes are worth admiring. You too can benefit from the catalogue of the guava potentials.

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