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Isabell and CT results

Remembering Dave

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Well we survived the Hurricane here in VA. We live approx. 20 miles east of Richmond VA. on the Mattaponi River. We are up on a 50 foot bluff so never had any danger of flooding here at our house. We lost power early in the day Thursday and will probably be without for several more days. Only had one tree fall and nothing hit the house. Before the brunt of the4 storm hit I did go in and get my brain radiation and then saw the Onc. to get the results from my CT Scan which looked good. NED so far. He is scheduling me for a PET Scan in aboiut a month and 1/2. Said he wanted to get this brain radiation out of the way. The steroids I am on have been wacking me out big time so will be glad when I can get off of them next week. I have 4 more brain radiation treatments so hopefully the power will be on by Monday. Well my laptop is about to run out of battery power so better get off. We are fine having a travel ttrailer fillede with water and plenty of food and also have a small generator so we will be fine until the power is back on.

David C

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David, I was wondering while reading your note how you were sending a post when you had no power. Then, at the end, you revealed the laptop. I should have known. Sorry Isabel came your way, but glad it went from a caegory 5 to a 2, and that you were high and dry and had no damage.. Glad you are safe, both from hurricane and from cancer. NED is so good! Congrats. Don

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Again glad you are OK. Hope that power comes on soon . I remember one time when Hurricane Frederick went up and over us in Mississsippi we were without powere and water for 2 weeks.

I also lived in Va when my husband was in the Navy, we had a house in the city of Virginia Beach, I think that was in the late 70's or there abouts. Again glad you guys are OK, Hope you like camping, to me that was what it was like. Donna G

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Halleujah!!!!!!!!!! We finally got our power back on last night!!!! 9 days without power sure does make you appreciate the..........powered things in life such as a well pump, never thought I would be thankfull to have a well pump but here I am. Oh, the price you pay to live 20 miles from civilization relying on a well (with no bucket!!) to get your water. The hospital got power back last Monday so I finished my PCI on Wed. and am now being gradually taken off the steroids, Thank goodness. I can't stand myself. No power and steroids are not a good thing. At least my wife has not left me yet, ha,ha,ha. Actually we have been looking on the bright side of things because since we lost everything in the fridge we can now go and stock up on our anti-cancer diet foods. I have been eating like a horse on these steroids, just constantly eating, out of control, everything and anything under the sun so we need to start eating right. Any sugestions????? Karen has ordered a cancer diet book but it has not arrived yet so any help will be greatly appreciated. We ended up taking the trailer over to Karens folks and camping out in the driveway. They hooked us up to the water and electricity and it made it a little easier. There are people who will not be getting thier power restored until the 15th of Oct. so says the power company, there was that much damage. I could not imagine another 2 weeks without power. Well, to all who read this I have not been posting much but I am on everyday and read everyones posts. You are all in my prayers every single night. This is a wonderful sight and I want to take this opportunity to thank everyone of the administrators who set this up and watch over it.

David C.

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Great news about the NED and Isabel. I'm in Va Bch and we did O.K. Mostly alot of tree damage but my house wasn't hit. The area where I live has tons of trees so most of my neighbors had some damage. Funny thing was 95 % of people in the beach were without electricity by Friday but not my nephews who never lost power even when most of their neighborhood did. It reminded me that I had asked my sister for a sign to do with lights. Then I started wondering why I was the last person in my family to get the power back on. :?

Best Wishes,


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