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Jana's Mum

Guest jana

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Hi all

I am really new to this board as my Mum was only diagnosed about 6 weeks ago with stage IV NSCLC, with mets to bone and lymph nodes. She is inoperable. This week she is starting a new treatment called Tronado (some form of ultra high frequency not conventionally used) and she has to go five times a week for 3 weeks. Then she is having a week off and starts chemo after that. I think she is having 3 cycles of 4 weeks using Cisplatin and Gemzar. This is all new and scarey stuff for us to be having to learn about and is definitely something I think we'd all sooner not have to familiarise ourselves with. Nothing feels the same anymore. I cast my mind back to before we found this out and often think just how different I would feel now if it never happened. I realise it is futile, but sometimes my mind just works that way. I do so much realise now, even more than I did before how important it is to love, and love, and love as hard and as strong as you can. I always thought I did this, but I have since discovered how much more love we all have inside of us just waiting to pour out. Will keep you posted on how the treatment goes. We all have our fingers and toes crossed. Thanks for listening.


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Hi Jana,

I have not heard of Tronado except on an earlier post by you. I sure hope it does the job for your mom..I think I had told you earlier to check a few web sights called www.brochcancer.org and www.chemocare.com. they really help in understanding some of the up and down we all have to do including our loved ones in order to survive this dreaded lc...

Keep up informed on the Tronado effects...I am sure some on the board have probably heard of it before...

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Jana! so sorry for you and your Mum, I know it is bloody awful scary isn't it? My mom also has it. I do the same thing as you, think about things before and after and even forget from time to time and then cry when I remember. My Mom's isn't as far along as yours so I don't know what you are going through, but I can imagine. Hang in there, and you are right, LOVE is all you can do with the time you have left!!


Cheers Stephanie

PS I am online at weird times so if you ever need to email or vent I am on AOL at stephnewyork32@aol.com

I used to live in Sydney so I am up at those weird times here (we(LA) are 7 hours ahead of you(Sydney) but one day behind, and after the time change we become 5 hours ahead but one day behind)

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Thank you for all the replies. Mum found the first Tronado treatment OK, although she said she was quite hot for the last minute or so. Basically they inject you with something and then expose you to ultra high frequency to zap up the cancer cells or something similar. Like I said it is not a commonly accepted treatment but as Mum is Stage IV anything is worth trying, especially if it has no reported ill side effects. It's not like chemo is going to be a walk in the park. Had lunch with my beautiful sister today and told her all about this site also. We were talking about how in a month or so Mum will be having more scans etc., and what a scarey time that will be. The waiting for results is awful. I hadn't paid any thought to the idea that the scans would show the cancer has spread more. But I told my sister we shouldn't focus on that, we should deal with that when the time comes. The rollercoaster just continues doesn't it? It does feel good that she is getting some treatment though, kind of feels like something is being done to help. Anyway thank you for the replies and my thoughts are with you all.


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