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Weight Gain


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I have always had problems with my weight... I could open a dress store and have every size.. :) But since my mom has been diagnosed with sclc, I have started to put on so much weight, in fact, I am the heaviest I have ever been in my life... Has anyone else had this happen..?


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I lost 40 lbs when this first happened to darrell, this past week I think I put 10 back on!!! I was pretty depressed, worry takes it off and depression seems to put it on...for me anyways.... We are all on a roller coaster ride!! It seems when I'm real worry my nerves just seem to make food go straight through me and when I'm depressed I guess I eat more and it sticks around!


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I feel like I'm on the fence between patient and caretaker - I don't fit the category in a "normal" way, but I worry about what will happen to my spouse if something happens to me...I'm the little bull dog, he's the big St. Bernard...

In the last few weeks, I've noticed a "little" bit of a pudge sneaking up (seems I SKIPPED one size in my gain - have all sizes in MY closet, too). Looking back, I've been eating when I'm not hungry - Double Stuf Oreos...since I bought 'em on sale, I'm not REALLY "splurging" (RIGHT!)... I may have to start carrying a "Food Diary" and writing down everything I eat (gee, won't THAT be depressing to read? "Six cookies, large glass of milk for breakfast....PASTA for lunch....breaded SOMETHING for dinner...cookies and milk before bed....") The sodas are really adding up, too. I don't drink diet soda, my doctor said it's not worth taking a chance on "Shown to cause cancer in laboratory animals" and that I SHOULD drink water (ummmm, right....there's water in ice cubes, right?)

I guess the only advice is to pay attention to WHEN you are eating, WHY you are eating and HOW MUCH you are eating. ...and maybe exercise like walking to clear your head and some calories...

Good luck!


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I have also gained almost a extra 10 pounds since my Mom has been sick. Hey Snowflake I just had Double Stuff Oreos tonight. (with orange halloween cream). I'm a stress eater. If I get upset about anything I eat. :roll: I also have no time to exercise since I am helping take care of my parents and raising two young kids at the same time. I know that I need to do something about this but I just don't have it in me right now. We will all just have to be chubby together for a while.

Take care everyone I need to get a snack.


Susan M.

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Guest Karen C.

Oh, boy, have I ever! We adopted Faith in October of last year. Dave and I had both gotten really heavy before that - we've both battled weight problems as adults - so all last year we were on weight watchers and both lost about 60 pounds. We were feeling pretty good and also it sure helped us with that trip to China - especially fitting in those tiny coach seats for the 14 hour flights! Anyway, we came back in November, but never got back on the program, mostly because Dave started getting sick all the time. Then he was diagnosed in late March and after that neither one of us even cared about a diet - in fact, his hunger went out of the roof and we both just ate whatever we wanted all the time. So we've both gained back our 60 pounds.

Now that he is probably in remission, we have been doing some reading and have decided his only chance at getting the cancer way is by boosting his immune system with really healthy eating. He's doing better than I am, so far, but we are determined to eat all fresh veggies, lean protein (chicken, fish, eggs are good cancer fighters) and some fruits and whole grains.

The stress is tough and you gotta do what you gotta do to deal with it, I have not let myself get guilty over losing control, but now that the fight is over - for now - we can put our energy on getting healthy in general.

Karen C. - David C's wife

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