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I Posted this earlier in SCLC, but have not got a response..Hoping to get a response in this forum. Thanks

My sister told me last night that she feels like she is sunburned on her back. It has been 3 weeks since her last radiation (28 rads)and now she is feeling like this. Is this normal? She did not ever feel this during her radiation treatment. She said it is bearable, but is there anything to be alarmed about?

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Does she have a radiation burn on her back?

Mom's burn lasted almost a month after treatment(or more), but it was there before treatment ended.

I would suggest she call her doctor if she hasn't had a burn before and is starting to develop one now. Only other thing I can think of is that it's nerve endings growing back after damage that's causing the feeling. I'd double-check, though.

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My moms doctor said that the burning is normal. She was given radiation creme to put on it. When she was done with radiation he told her that it would heal (which it did) but if she started to get blisters that were oozing that she should call him.

I hope this helps.

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I would say no but yes. You do want to get it looked at to make sure it's a burn or a rash from the radiation. Each would require a different treatment and all effects of radiation can surface up to 3 months after the treatment. it's most likely radiation related, regardless of first time or second time threw the treatment. My Dad was getting pretty red towards the end on his shoulder and chest to the point of blistering like a 2nd degree burn. My husbands Aunt has a slight darkening on her face from her radiation of inner ear. The jaw line to cheek and noe to ear was as red as a beet. But both events went away with very little skin colour change. It was uncomfortable while at it's worse.


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