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Boy I sure thought I would be back here posting sooner but you would not believe how busy being a new retiree I have been. :D

The first two weeks of retirement flew by. I was called and told that the first apartment offered me was avaialble again if I wanted it. If I didn't take it I would have to go to the bottom of the waiting list. On a moments notice I jumped at it. Because all of my income for the year would be counted if I kept working I couldn't qualify. Easy solution. I had already told my boss that I would only work a few more weeks until I was sure that my client was alright with my leaving her to someone els. I had already met her new caregiver and seen them together so the decision and phone call was made. My last day of work was April 28th.

As I said the first two weeks flew by. I had papers to fill out and I had to pack and make arrangements for my move.I also had to tell all of my friends and neighbors that I was moving sooner instead of later. Then there was the move. I bragged that once everything was here I could take my time putting things away. Yeh Right :!: I'm just not made that way. In 3 days of straight unpacking and rearranging furniture and hanging pictures, I had everything in place. Two weeks to the day after my last day worked I woke up and realized for probably the first time in my life my day was not already planned in my head.

It didn't take me long to get the hang of being lazy and doing what I want only when I want to. My Johnny would be so proud. He was always telling me that I needed to slow down and enjoy the simple things of life more.

This week I finally completed the last step of my move. I got Misty back. She had spent 2 weeks with my sister in law because rules hers say she had to be spayed. I had an appointment and when that day came the vet examined her and did blood work. He pronounced her in good health for her age then refused to do the operation saying she is too old and it is too dangerous to do an unnecasary operation. At first I thought I wasn't going to get to have her her. I didn't realize how much I love her until I thought I would have to give her up!

As it turned out the vet wrote a letter stating the reason he would not spay her and the letter was accepted. One more stop before home. I took her to be groomed because it is required. She had her first hair cut at her age (I'm not sure if she is 13 or 14) Johnny had told me he had her for 8 years and that was about a year before he died. So more than likely she is 14) The groomers said it took two of them and they had never seen a dog so afraid. I think it will take her a long time before she gets in the car willingly again. After blood work and the groomer she must think I was torturing her. Boy what a difference :!: With our temperatures that reach nearly 120 in the summer it will be much better for her and I won't be constantly vacuuming hair that just seems to multiply.

Now I have two pieces of news. The first is wonderful. My oldest granddaughter gave me my first great grandson Tuesday night. I wish I could hold him but that will not be until next Mardi Gras when I go visit. Her sister's little girl is growing leaps and bounds and she is beautiful. I got a picture of Cy Michael that was taken about an hour after he was born. Oh how wonderful computers are.

The second thing is a prayer request. A couple of weeks before I moved a neighbor and dear friend confided in my that her husband has throat cancer. She only told a couple of us because he wanted it that way. He is a very private person. On Tuesday all of that changed. She had to put him in the hospital. The first chemo treatment dropped his platelets and his white cells. He got a blood infection and is in intensive care on a resperator. Everyone knows now and it doesn't look good please say a prayer for him and his wife Max and Barbara. They need all of the prayers they can get.

I am sorry this is so long. I just can't seem to make a short post. I may try to send a picture of Cy to Katie to post. I still haven't figured out how to do it myself.

By the way Katie if you read this I seem to have a problem. I went to my information and changed my email address and now I get no emails for the board. Can it be fixed?

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glad to hear great news and sorry tohear bad news> yeah for your Doggie. sending Prayers for your friend and as always PRayers for you roo.

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