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Legendary Cancer Doctor Dies in Car Crash


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Legendary Cancer Doctor Dies in Car Crash

She fired her doctors, cured herself, and became a doctor to heal others of cancer

(PRWEB) July 11, 2007 -- The car crash happened on March 7, 2007. A legendary 58-year-old cancer doctor was driving to her Wisconsin clinic. Driving conditions were excellent, but it appears a momentary distraction, perhaps a cell phone call, led to this tragic accident. She collided with a semi-trailer and died later that day – leaving her clinic’s devoted staff and patients in a state of shock and grief.

This remarkable woman – Renee Welhouse, N.D., Ph.D. -- started out as a victim of cancer. As a 21-year-old college student she endured a bilateral mastectomy for breast cancer. Over the next 15 years she underwent 14 more surgeries, including a hysterectomy, thyroidectomy, and an unsuccessful bone marrow transplant.

Cancer Breakthrough USA! Little known American clinics that turn around even 'hopeless' cancer cases.

Doctors told her she needed two more surgeries: a liver transplant and a leg amputation. But when she learned about alternative, holistic ways to get rid of cancer, she fired her doctors, flushed her drugs down the toilet, and cancelled those two additional surgeries.

After healing herself with natural methods, she embarked on a twenty-year crusade to help others overcome cancer without surgery, radiation, or chemotherapy. She became a doctor herself, hung out her shingle and built up her clinic to include the most effective natural cancer remedies available in America.

By the time of her sudden death, she had become a living legend – having helped numerous patients overcome even the toughest, most “hopeless” cancers.

Mere weeks before her tragic death, Dr. Welhouse told her story in an exclusive interview. The details of her astonishing success in treating cancer patients appear in a new special report called "Cancer Breakthrough USA! Little known American clinics that turn around even 'hopeless' cancer cases."

Dr. Welhouse’s work goes on at her clinic thanks to the staff she developed and trained. The book details the therapies used at her clinic and at five other U.S. alternative clinics.

Other stories include:

The doctor known as ''the grand master of hyperbaric oxygen,'' who said, ''Hyperbaric oxygen therapy for terminally ill cancer patients is lifesaving.'' This doctor was even able to save a patient with lung cancer and emphysema who had been given only six weeks to live.

The surprising reason why Julian Whitaker, M.D., America’s best known holistic doctor, doesn’t accept cancer patients – why he refers cancer patients to a special clinic in Texas – and why he calls radiation and chemotherapy “dangerous placebos.”

The skeptical doctor from Stanford University who was forced against his will to become a believer. His own study unexpectedly proved an alternative cancer treatment extends life.

The “Vitamin Doctor” who was jailed and put to hard labor on a road gang for helping people get rid of cancer without surgery, radiation, or chemotherapy. Then-Governor Jerry Brown of California corrected this injustice by pardoning him, and how he’s able to use these same treatments today to help cancer patients

How one alternative doctor plans to live to the age of 120 using a cutting-edge therapy offered by few clinics.

More information about this new special report is available at: www.cancerbreakthroughusa.com.


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