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Question on Lung Cancer..


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Hello, my name is Lynne, and my husband Dean was diagnoised about one month ago with Adenocarcinoma, stage IIIB.

He has had his second dose of chemotherapy, taxol and carboplatin for first dose and Taxotere and Carboplatin for second dose because he had an allergic reaction to the Taxol.

The doctor said that the repeat chest xrays showed a SLIGHT difference in the tumor. He goes for a repeat CT scan next week.

He has some spots on his back that are 'hard'..and do not move. Would this be the lymph nodes? If so, would they be 3-4 inches long?

If it is more cancer, will the chemo take care of it?

If it is in the bones would you feel it?....Any ideas on what it would be?

It is below the right shoulder blade. The cancer is in the right lung...and through the chest wall, bronchial tubes..and along the trachea.


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Hello Lynne

Welcome, so very sorry to hear of Dean but glad you found us.

First thing you may wanna do is sign in and join us cause you certainly have a need. No one has to go thru this alone so please feel free.

Those early weeks of finding out, getting the first sets of tests and just plain dealing with the anguish and pain that goes with the diagnoses are the pits. Unfortunately, the answer's to your questions require more and more tests. So there ends up being alot of waiting and wondering. I know it sucks but it does get better so hang in there. One thing that you need to know more than anything else is that there are SURVIVORS in every stage of this disease fighting it. So there is hope! It is doable!

David, gives excellent advice, get second opinions, it's expected with this disease, do not be afraid to confront your doctors, write your questions down on paper when you see the doc., have someone go with you to help if possible. Try to get care at a cancer center and always by specialists again if possible. Try to take it a day at a time, I know easier said than done, just try to stay away from the what if's cause you'll drive yourself nuts. Again, easier said than done.

Hope this helps, again welcome and know your not alone

Hang in there, you and Dean will be in my thoughts and prayers.

God bless

Bobmc- NSCLC- stageIIB- left pneumonectomy- 5/2/01

" absolutely insist on enjoying life today!"

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Hello Lynne,

I had some funny "hard" spots on the edge of my tumor as it began to shrink -- I believe it turned out to be calcification, because my tumor "ate" portions of 5 ribs. No bone mets -- just disintegrated the ribs. Curious, that.

Good luck and welcome to the boards. Lots of warmth and good advice from good people.



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