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Lung Cancer Awareness programs for November


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Hello, I'm Lori Monroe, a lung cancer patient and patient advocate at Vanderbilt Medical Center in Nashville Tennessee. I just wanted to let you all know of the free programs we are having for LCAM in Nashville:

There are many, many events happening throughout the month. Full

information can be found under November Events: Lung Cancer Awareness

Events on the Vanderbilt-Ingram website here: www.vicc.org.

Here are details of two:

"Living Fully with Lung Cancer," Nov 10, 2003, 9:30-2:15, in the

Vanderbilt Clinic, rooms 2701-2704. This full-day program is an

opportunity for those living with lung cancer and those who care about

them to learn, share, and gain inspiration. A complimentary lunch

provided courtesy of Bristol Myers Squibb. The program is free but you

must register first. To register, go to www.vicc.org or email


The program is as follows:

9:30-10:00, Registration

10:00-10:15, Welcome and Introductions, David Carbone, MD

10:15-10:45, Understanding Lung Cancer and New Directions in Research

and Treatment Options, David Carbone, MD

10:45-11:15, Potential Role of Radiation, Dennis Hallahan, MD

11:15-11.45, Surgical Treatments of Lung Cancer, Tracy Jurkovich, MSN,


11:45-12:30, Lunch and Learn: Featuring Speakers from ALCASE,

Smoke-free Nashville, and Gilda's Club

12:30-1:00, Survivor's Stories

1:00-1:30, Lung Cancer Screening Trials, Pierre Massion, MD

1:30-2:00, Symptom Management and Quality of Life, Barbara Murphy, MD

2:00-2:15, Evaluations

"Lung Cancer: No Longer Just a Man's Disease," with Joan Schiller, MD,

November 14, 2003, 12:00-1:30, in Light Hall room 214. The program is

geared towards professionals but all who want to attend, may. A

complimentary lunch is provided by Eli Lilly & Co. Again, the program

is free, but you must register to attend.

Dr. Schiller is Professor of Medicine at the University of Wisconsin

and head of the UW Combined Modality Lung Cancer Clinic. She will

present the latest information regarding women and lung cancer.

Schiller is internationally known for her work in this area and is the

founder of Women Against Lung Cancer. This program is offered as part

of the Vanderbilt-Ingram Cancer Center Experimental Therapeutics

Seminar Series. Please register with tammy.hamlett@vanderbilt.edu.

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Hi Lori, welcome to the board here. Thanks for all the info. I myself will not be able to attend any of this however, i would be very interested in obtaining transcripts if they are available. Im sure we have other memebers here as well who would be interested in transcripts. Will there be any available ? Please post an update or let us know. Again, welcome here glad to have you aboard.



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Dr. Joan Schiller is the best. She is my Oncologist at the University of Wisconsin Comprehensive Cancer Center. This past Tuesday, November 4th, when she had to give my wife and I the bad news that I had liver mets, she sat down, held our hands and talked about all the positive things we are facing. As she was leaving the exam room, she hugged both of us. She is a women who is compassionate and cares a great deal for her patients. She is extremely knowledgeable and is a leader in Lung Cancer Research and treatment. I am honored for having her accept me as a patient last year. She is not known for turning patients away. She is the reason that the University of Wisconsin is a leader in Lung Cancer Research.

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