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Just diagnosed Sage IV NSCLC


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I was just told by my doctor yesterday that I am Stage IV NSCLC and it came as quite a blow for me. I was diagnosed with NSCLC early September and have been on carboplatin and taxol. The way my doctor put it was the good news is that my tumor has shrunk dramatically but since my latest PET scan picked up shrinkage in a spot on my hip (the biopsy had come out negative for cancer) and also shrinkage in a lymph node above my pancreas, I was definitely Stage IV and there would be practically no hope for survival (like one in a thousand). I saw at the beginning of your message board that there ARE survivors of Stage IV. Is that true? Are there any Stage IV survivors out there I could talk to? My doctor also said that once I'm Stage IV I never go back to Stage III. I'm confused.

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I've been a Stage IV since I was diagnosed in June of 1999, even though I was erroneously put at Stage Ia. I'm still here. I hope you fire this doctor and find another one who is more interested in helping you to be a long term survivor as opposed to one of those who wants to keep you comfortable until the end.

Just my two cents.....based upon 4 years 5 months 18 days of still being alive.


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The "statistics" show that not 1 in a thousand, more like a few in a hundred can survive Stage IV NSCLC. Same holds true for extensive stage SCLC but who says you have to be a statistic. The odds are much higher against winning the lottery but I buy a ticket now and then and somebody always wins. I don't think the words "incurable" or "terminal" should be used to describe any stage of cancer until indeed all efforts at treatment are abandoned by the patient. If your doc isn't interested in fighting with you as long and hard as you want too, get another doc.

I guess technically speaking, you can't go back in stage but that doesn't really mean anything anyway. What does mean something is your attitude and your Doc's willingness and ability to help you.


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My wife is Stage IV and she is 13 months from diagnosis and doing well. The deal about Stage IV forever is the doctor's notation that once the cancer has escaped into the body, there is no way of telling whether it is lurking somewhere and is too small to see. If is something all cancer surviviors live with -- the possibility of recurrence. Sorry about that. Anyway, keep your hopes up. There are many survivors here. Don

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Cherbut, As long as you are drawing a breath there is hope. Don't let your Dr. get you down. Seek a second opinion or at least a more caring Dr. Remember, he/she is working for you. If you don't like they way he/she is taking care of things, fire them! Statistics like rules are made to be broken. Prayers and best wishes being sent your way. God Bless.

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Guest cecilia

Hi Cherbut,

The one thing I remember reading somewhere is that no cancer is 100% fatal. That means that there are survivors of all types and stages of cancer. Just hang in there and get a good doctor who is supportive and you can trust to do the best for you. I will be looking for your posts to see how you are doing. Take care.


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You need to focus on the fact that your treatment is working and dismiss the negative comments of your doctor. I know it sounds difficult to find another doctor in the middle of all you are going through, but you need a positive medical team, the sooner-the better! It's your life and you are in charge.

If you haven't seen this site, I would recommend a visit: http://www.blochcancer.org/

I look forward to seeing future posts from you on your progress. You are not alone in this and we are all here to support you.



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