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After surgery progress and mouth too sore to eat.


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My husband's surgery removing right lower lobe and right middle lobe and some lymph nodes was on May 16th and he came home May 27th. He had an air pocket yet when leaving the hospital. That is no longer a problem.

He has since seen the Pulmonary Dr and Oncologist. Everything has been okay so far as far as surgery. However, my husband is having a very difficult time with the recovery. Not sure what the problem is. We are currently at the point of him seeing a Dentist Monday. His mouth is so sore that he cannot eat anything. He is a denture wearer. He is still taking pain medications as need.

We have come to the conclusion that since he cannot eat, he is lacking nutrition needed to recover properly and to help with taking the meds. He often feels nausea and/or light headed. He has been checked 3 times for thrush which they say it is not. He was told not to use any mouth wash with alcohol. He was prescribed a drug called 'Miracle Drug' that you swish and swallow. He is trying to drink ensure but we are struggling with him on that one.

Believe me, this is a person who really wants to and needs to get well.

Over Memorial Day weekend, before my husband was released, I started feeling bad. Without all the details, I ended up getting a root canal Wednesday, day after he got out of hospital. Thankfully our son was here from out of State to help because I became worthless. I had an infection and ended up on pain meds. My situation is what made me think he may need the nutrition because I too, could not eat, at all, and was taking pain meds for few days. Today is the first day that I have felt almost my normal. My being sick is why I did not post an update.

I was not real sure what to expect but thought each day home would be a little better and that the walking would really help. With the problems my husband has had, he has not been able to work on the walking. He did not have to come home with oxygen. Breathing is okay. It is 3 weeks yesterday that he had surgery??

Anyone ever have anything like this. Nothing has helped his mouth yet. He cannot even eat soft foods as it is that sore. How does the after surgery progress for doing things. We know he cannot do any lifting over 10 lbs for 6 weeks. Appreciate any comments. Thanks,

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Snappy: I'm so sorry you and your husband have been having such a rough time. I wish I could help but I don't have any idea what the sore mouth is all about if he's not currently doing chemo. It doesn't sound like it's surgery related but maybe someone whose had similar surgery will come by and offer more.

I do remember a couple of times in my life with much lesser surgery than he's had that I was told I expected too much of my body for a too quick recovery. Again, I haven't had that surgery and I think you have a point about lack of nutrition with difficulty eating. Also, the meds on a near empty stomach can be rough.

Hope you get some answers from the dentist because being able to eat again could make all the difference.

Judy in Key West

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Mary, I think someone mentioned this before, but it's worth repeating. If your husband is having trouble with Ensure, try Carnation Instant Breakfast. There are a number of flavors available (including a variety pack which I preferred). Consists of packets of powder which are stirred into a beverage of your choice -- whole milk, 2% milk, soy milk, even milkshakes. Really quite delicious, and many people prefer it to Ensure.

Did your husband have the sore mouth immediately upon starting recovery from surgery? I had a rather sore throat for about 10 days, and the surgeon said it was caused by the tube in my throat while I was under anesthesia. Maybe his gums got irritated, perhaps by his biting down (unconsciously, of course) on the tube. Just a thought.



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