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Looking for web site that will explain lingering side effect

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Hello: My mother had her last chemotherapy in January, she is cancer free right now, but is still experiencing some unusual side effects, i.e. Hyper Sensitivity to Heat/Sun, and Weight Gain only around her mid section. Can anyone lead me to a website that might help her?

Thank you.


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Hi, Tammy, welcome to the LCSC! I doubt that you'll find a site with existing authoritative information on "unusual" side effects, but posting questions here will bring out responses from other patients and caregivers who have first-hand experience with similar conditions. Another site, which integrates patient experiences with expert medical information is cancergrace.org (the previous onctalk.com has been folded into GRACE, Global Resource for Advancing Cancer Education). There's a wealth of information there, especially on lung cancer, constantly updated by a Seattle oncologist who is an internationally-recognized expert on lung cancer and who gives high priority to promptly answering questions from people like you and me. A lot of us have "dual citizenship" so to speak, and have the same usernames there as here.

Let us know what specific drugs your mom had or is continuing. Sun sensitivity is a common side effect of various medications, such as the doxycycline I'm taking to reduce Tarceva skin toxicities. And aside from the sun aspect, many of us talk about the feeling that our body thermostats have been thrown out of whack by chemo. I've seen a peak of those sorts of comments during the two winters I've been on the site. The weight around the middle item has also come up, but I don't recall the assumed cause except possibly steroids after brain radiation.

Best wishes and Aloha,


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Thank you for your input. You are 100% right on the thermostadt being out of wack. It helps my Mom to know others are experiencing the same thing. Do you have any idea how long she can expect these things to continue?

By the way you have a beautiful Golden.

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Rosie says thanks for the compliment!

How long these effects will last, no one really knows. Every individual is somewhat different. The worst aspects of my taxol/carboplatin treatment have faded, though I still have some stomach issues. Many, probably most, of us have come to accept that things will never be quite the same as before the treatments. We call it the "new normal" and adjust our lives accordingly. It's amazing what the mind can do.

But I've noticed a positive aspect of the wacky thermostat issue. I previously was the "warm" member of the family, rarely a jacket when others were bundled up, then hot and sweaty in the summer with others thinking I was being wasteful with the air conditioning. Now it's the opposite, and I'm the first one bundling up in the winter, but this summer I've been quite comfortable and it's nice to be able to hassle others about their electricity use (very expensive here). On a very hot day I may feel a little flushed and get itchy skin, but I'm fine as long as I can stay out of the sun.

Though I guess it's possible that one's thermostat could vary the wrong direction each season. :x



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Hi Tammy,

My mom went through the same thing she did not get all of the side effects of chemo until afterwards. I believe their called late effects of chemotherapy. I had found info. on the American Cancer Society website as well as the Mayo Clinic has a piece on their website. Since we are all different some experience all, or some, or even late side effects. My mom did not lose her hair w/chemo but had thinning months later and she has continued and ongoing neuropathy. Hope this helps and I hope your mom feels better soon!


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Thank you Marci: It seems that Chemo is a very personal drug. While there are specific side effects related to it, not everyone experiences the same ones at the same time. I am sure that you know, that any kind of change starts Mom worrying again. From reading some of the posts though, it appears that my Mom was lucky in the respect that the chemo did not cause as much leg and joint pain as many others spoke of. Hearing that others have had similar problems has helped her. This board appears to be filled with very heart warming and caring people.

Thank you,


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