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Judy's Laugh for Today


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Psychiatrist vs Bartender

Jerry went to a psychiatrist. "Doc," he said, "I've got trouble. Every time I get into bed, I think there's somebody under it. I'm going crazy!"

"Just put yourself in my hands for 1 year," said the shrink. "Come talk to me 3 times a week and we should be able to get rid of those fears."

"How much do you charge?"

"$80 per visit," replied the doctor.

"I'll sleep on it," said Jerry.

Six months later the doctor met Jerry on the street. "Why didn't you ever come to see about those fears you were having?" asked the psychiatrist.

"Well 80 bucks a visit 3 times a week for a year is an awful lot of money! A bartender cured me for $10. I was so happy to have saved all that money I went and bought me a new Armada!"

"Is that so! And how, may I ask, did a bartender cure you?"

"He told me to cut the legs off the bed! Ain't nobody under there now!!!"

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If anyone's wondering, I posted the other day about sending Judy a "funny" every day....just to make her smile. By the way, after looking at her picture and seeing that wonderful smile, I can always visualize that beautiful smile with every single post I make.

So.....keep those smiles coming, Judy!!!

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