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New Years Resolutions


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That time of year is upon us again to make those infamous New Year Resolutions. I am interested in what all of you have planned?

Let me see......Smoking? I did that one before I was even diagnosed with cancer!!! Exercise more and eat better- that is a given. But on a deeper level.....I plan on trying to let go of "fear." I have been planing little homework assignments for myself to get out of the house more and do things on my own. Don't laugh, but what kept me from doing more things on my own was the thought that I might have a seizure from brain mets, that I didn't know I had. You can't live life like that. Now I feel that if I die, atleast I will be doing something that want to be doing!!! I also vow to become more of an activist for our LC cause. I applied for a grant to get some tobacco settlement money for educational materials for tobacco awareness. I will use my therapy skills to counsel kids about substance abuse and tobacco use. Hopefully, I will be approved for some of that money and it will go for the purpose it was intened, rather than raises for polticians!

Anyways, let me hear from you about your New Years Resolutions.


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I have never been one much for New Year's resolutions. But Lucie and I do have the goal to visit Scotland in May for about a week. We went to England, Ireland and Scotland for two weeks in 2001, but were only in Scotland two days (Edinburgh), so we pledged to go back to Scotland. So that is one of our goals. Santa gave Lucie a laptop computer for Christmas, so her goal is to learn how to do E-Mail and visit websites. Perhaps I can convince her to look in on us here. I definitely need to lose about 15 lbs. Happy 2004 everyone! Don

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My New Year's Resolution is to try to behave myself appropriately. I make this resolution every single year. I think the older I get the less time it takes for me to break it. :shock:

Don and Lucie, when you travel to Scotland may I please hide in your luggage? I promise not to make a lot of noise, or do anything to bring unwanted attention by Customs Officials. :wink:

If you get the chance go to the Caithness Glass Works....Incredible.

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Hi Cherl (and Jack)

Well I sure appreciate d your advice on "fear" and my stage fright! You are great at giving support ....I pray I can handle it! Well my new years resolution is to be a better Christian and to raise money for lung cancer awareness and support. I would also like to lose fear and be as professional and productive as possible at work... this may mean not attending the work Christmas party and getting overwhelming hyped up on free alcohol and getting yelled at for calling someone who irritated me a jackass.... I just can't help myself sometimes.... I hope to behave like Fay A .... and not ramble on so much.... :roll: he deserved it :wink:

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Part of overcoming that fear is standing up for yourself just as you did! Being assertive! You told that guy what you thought of him and that is empowering! That ain't misbehaving! So you might of had a little help with some liquid confidence. Do not feel guilty about speaking your mind or the truth. That is one of the things I hope that our Miss Fay never changes either! WE need advocates like you two!


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Well thanks Cheryl... I did have some extremely wonderful mentors....The strong and elequent Katie B....The strong, witty and well spoken Debraooooo, The amazingly strong survivor and giver of support to others Connie B.... The funny,sweet and strong Renee, The Amazing patient advocate loving wife and Christian caregiver Mrs Mike, Dave's strong and loving wife Barb,Tinys adventure some free spirit...livind and enjoying life... Survivor Cindy RN and Karma1976... a devoted loving daughter who is nonjudgemental supportive advocate.....just to name a few .

If I could bottle up some of there qualities and inject myself with thier "Mojo" I would be one hell off a woman! Roooaaaaarrrrr!!

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