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Tuesday's Air


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Physically, I feel like I hit the wall. I went to bed around 9:30 I think but didn't get up until eight. Am having a difficult time waking up because this morning I brewed tea again instead of coffee. I think it's o.k. for me to have a cup now and then to get things done. But not good every morning. Sunday I even added a latte later in the day when I was in town. Up til midnight. I stopped because it didn't taste so good anymore. Now I realize how much it jazzes me and don't think I need that.

Was talking to Bud on the Air yesterday about journaling. I filled a few spiral notebooks when I was in my thirties but it doesn't seem to work for me now. Like meditation. I did that for years but can't get into it again. When I was dx'd I thought I should get back into these things (although they were not tranquil years for me). I even bought a beautiful book for journaling. Did only a couple of entries. LCSC and FB seem to do it for me now. Usually someone is actually listening lol.

I have cancer group and dinner afterwards tonight so I think I'll take today a little slowly. Dang I have to finish fluffing the tree.

Have a great day everyone.

Judy in Key West

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Good morning all. I seem to have been MIA this past few days. This is just not the best time of year for me. After tomorrow it should get a little better emotionally. It always does once that anicersary date passes.

'Physicaly I feel like crap today. Started with a stuffy nose last night. It seems I hace caught a head cold. No one washes their hands more that me but I must have missed something. The timing couldn't be worse.

I seem to be getting things done but still feel pretty stressed. I should be leaving Sunday to go down to my sister in laws then catch my train the next day. I just hope I can get past this cold quickly. I don't want to expose everyone else.

Judy I kept a journal for about two years after Johnny died. It helped a lot but now I don't do it as much as I should. I too tend to share way too much. I am sure most of you have noticed that.

Well I have to go get donuts for the bunch here this morning and then go to fitness class. First thing is to take Misty out. After that I think the day will be just for me. I need to do my nails and cut my toe nails and soak my feet and just plain relax and hope I feel better. I am just afraid that the bad memories from today may throw me off track.

Have a great day everyone.

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Good morning, everyone! The rain hasn't arrived here yet, but the weather radar shows that it isn't far away. It's supposed to be cold and rainy for the next couple of days.

Not much happening here, just another day at the salt mine. Have a great day, all!

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