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Saturday's Air


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Morning All! It's official. I checked. I missed doing the Air yesterday. I was so busy that it crossed my mind to wonder sometime during the day if I did or not. Good excuse though. Finished decorating the tree. I'm so happy about that. I got quite a bit done yesterday but wound up sleeping til twenty til nine this morning. That with a 10 pm bedtime. Trying to keep it slow and easy today but the man is on his way from OH to IN and then to PSL to pick up the coach and on home. I still have lots I would like to have done before he gets here.

Times like this I miss him in his role as grocery shopper. I'm down to my last two servings of fresh veggies and have no 2% cheese. They are staples in my weight watchers diet. I also wanted to go to home depot (another Stan job) and start getting the pointsettas for the porch. Hope I can get my butt in gear.

Have a good day everyone.

Judy in Key West

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Good morning, Judy! Good morning, everyone! Speaking of grocery shopping, it was a chilly morning here, with frost to be scraped off my windshield as I headed out to grocery shop. By the time I got back, Rose was already gone to work, her first day back since surgery. I'm thinking I'm going to give it another hour to warm up, then go fishing.

Have a great Saturday, all!

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It is cold and clear here with a big storm supposed to move in tomorrow afternoon. I plan on leaving early in the morning and driving down to my sister in laws. She only lives 30 miles from here but I don't want to chance snow to drive in. Once I get about half way there the chance of snow is very slim in the valley.

I guess after today I will take a simi hall pass. I will be traveling and visiting for the next week. I will have access to a computer part of that time. Once I get to my kids they all have computers but time could keep me away except to check in. I guess my farms and cafe will all go into bankrupsy while I am gone!

I will post again tonight and probably a short one in the moring but if I miss you I want to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Please if you will say a little prayer that this cold lets me have a good trip and that I stay safe. I love you all.

Michelle I will talk to you later today I hope.

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It is cold and gray here - they are predicting snow. I finally am feeling well enough to get off the couch and move about a bit - whatever I had it knocked me for a loop! I now feel VERY behind in Christmas shopping!!

I will lay low today - tomorrow we plan to go cut down our tree.

Travel safe Lily -

have a good day everyone


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