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Sunday's Air


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Morning All! It's Sunday, I checked and it is Sunday. Temp 64 degrees but I know it was colder when I got up an hour ago. This is our last full day in Ohio. Stan needs a day or two to recover now after he pulls his over-nighters working. Of course, his "recovering" is to go visit a friend forty minutes away yesterday and get the mail, come back and cook. Get up this morning and walk his mile or two, do laundry and cook breakfast. That before I was even functioning.

We'll hang out today and finished laundry, pack and stow to be off in the am for Kutztown. He hasn't check the map yet so I don't know when we'll get there.

Bud, you don't have to be disappointed in your biking times. You know you are an inspiration to this group. And Mike, I keep thinking I need to check my accounts but I have to get on my mobile net first. I've been using the campground's cause it's stronger but not secure. ts my rash is fading a bit too but am going to pace myself today. Eric, you will do gangbusters as an advocate. There is not doubt about that. Hope I didn't miss anyone but have a great day all!

Judy in OH

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GOOD MORNING! Yet another beautiful day here! It's about 68, gorgeous and cool. But going to get to 90 today.

Had a lovely evening last night. Went out to dinner to one of my favorite places. It was a beautiful night, and wanted to eat outside, so went to this joint that built a tropical back yard deck. It was amazing. We sat among tropical palm trees, with sandy beaches, complete with summer beach games. Amazing.

They have our Fredrik Meijer Gardens http://www.meijergardens.org/

store and care for the Palm trees in the winter.

Ran into some old friends, so joined them for dinner and drinks. It was lovely.

Hubs skipped church today to go golfing. Can't blame him, such a nice finish to the summer, got to get out and enjoy while we still can. I'm going to go to late service, and maybe catch some breakfast with friends afterwards. Then to the grocery story, laundry, and getting ready for the week ahead. Perhaps some snooze time in the sun this afternoon.

Hope you all have a lovely day.

Judy in MI

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