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Tuesday's Air

Bud Baker

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Good morning, everyone!

It was 45 degrees when I got up this morning. Forecast high is 77.

I drove to work this morning, so I could drive my self to this morning's appointment with my primary care doctor. It was time for my 4,000 mile (six month) checkup.

Yes, Katie, we're having some beautiful days right now. Sorry your week didn't get off to a great start. Some people are bound to disappoint, no matter what we do.

A sock hop sounds fun, Ann. Hope you get a good turnout. Sounds like a very nice trip, Stephanie. Good luck with the scans, KW Judy! Late Happy Birthday, Becky!

Have a great day, all!

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It's so nice to report that we're actually having some really great weather here on Florida's Space Coast. The high today is supposed to reach about 82 and the skies are beautiful. Last night was another perfect evening for turning off the A/C and opening the windows. I even woke up at about 4:30 this morning and found myself reaching for an extra cover....what a different feeling. Funny...I wonder if we're still going to be referred to as Florida's Space Coast now that the Kennedy Space Center is laying off workers right and left? The Space Program took some hard hits in the 70's and I have been told that people were just up and abandoning their homes, as there were no jobs and no one looking to buy a house in this area. I truly hope there is a way to keep the space program afloat.

I hope everyone had a Monday that went better than mine. Funny, today is Tuesday and life seems all nice and normal again. It was such a crazy day at work yesterday that i found myself very close to tears several times. So, I'm hoping the rest of the week stays nice, calm and uneventful.

I am really looking forward to our Sock Hop on Friday night. So far, we've sold over 100 tickets so there should be a great crowd. I still think Becky Snowflake should crank up the Big Blue Bus, pick all of you up and head for Florida.

So...here's hoping you have a beautiful day in your little corner of this great big world!


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Hi everyone, guess we all get to enjoy yet another beautiful day! It's spectacular here. 65 degrees, nice little breeze blowing, sun is shining. Leaves are turning big time now, wouldn't mind a little trip up North to enjoy the beauty of Fall in Northern Michigan. Nothing is prettier.

Ann, I concur about yesterday. It was wretchedly hectic, and as a result I was racked with spasms last night in my feet, back and ribs. Was a horrible way to spend the over night. Next week I head to U of M, hoping, praying for answers. In the meantime, trying to focus on the beauty around me. Have my windows open and can hear the dogs outside running around joyfully chasing each other and enjoying this weather too.

Well, I think I am going to concentrate on trying to figure out how to retrieve the files I lost in the computer crash. Yeah!

Judy in MI

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